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One baffled Yu Yan? Check!

One dazed Mori? Check!

One adorably cute baby girl??? Check! Check! Check! Cute things needed to be inspected thrice!

If there wasn't a cute baby girl, would Yu Yan even be baffled? If there wasn't a cute baby girl, would Mori be dazed? That's how powerful this little baby is! The stunning power is off charts!

How did it become like this? Let's backtrack—

Half an hour before, their family-friendly shuttle had reached the end of the tunnel. Yu Yan had lost count of how many times he expected something only to be disappointed or overwhelmed.

For example, he expected the Captain to present a key, card or any type of password to open a secret bunker door like he did at Mori' clinical lab at M40, but who would've expected that the Captain deactivated the shuttlecraft's "friendly mode" to expose a large and intimidating battle cruiser that snugly fit the once wide and spacey tunnel, and started shooting several missiles at the front door?

Nyx: Missiles are the best master keys for all doors of all sizes.

Another example was when Yu Yan expected the homeowner to dash out angrily at the sight of his exploded front door, guns ablazing. Yet, the homeowner actually thanked his Dad??

Nyx, averting his eyes: .... Missiles also make the best "housewarming" gifts.

Lastly, he expected that Doctor Mori had a big debt or arrears to have the homeowner be grateful enough to disregard his own home security and repairs. However, at the sight of a tied and mortified Mori, the homeowner bearhugged him and dragged him back into his lair like a squirrel acquiring a piece of (struggling to death) acorn???

Mori: Nooooo~~!

Behind the rowdy group of people and the homeowner's people, Yu Yan clutched his forehead. It felt like the start of a painful vertigo was coming up.

Yu Yan: I think...the exam tired me more than I expected it to... I'm seeing things. No, perhaps I'm fell asleep in the shuttle and now I'm dreaming.

"Is this...fine?" Yu Yan worriedly asked the Captain as they walked side by side inside.

Nyx had reverted the shuttle back to friendly-mode and parked it in, completely disregarding the homeowner's people scratching their heads on what to do with the completely wretched and disintegrated door.

"Don't worry about it", Nyx responded as he saw the direction of Yu Yan's gaze. This was the reaction of a man who had done this multiple times.

Little did Nyx thought that he was the biggest factor that led Yu Yan astray. Children tend to follow their parent's habits after all; both good and bad.

"I was talking about the doctor", Yu Yan clarified the source of his worries.

"Oh. In the case, don't think about."

Nyx entered an automatic elevator. Yu Yan wasn't able to ask further the people that followed after them entered alongside them. The elevator ride was quiet. Yu Yan watched the bright lights at the side swooshing down due to the lack of elevator walls. He was curious about what would happen should someone's clothes got snagged...

Yu Yan's morbid thoughts disappeared as the elevator pinged to a stop. It was always the lurking-stop action that gave him a headache. Or maybe it was the people...

"Please follow me", the homeowner's assistant politely gestured to a door.

They passed through a few automatic doors and came into extremely wide room the size of four warehouses. They had to walk across a tall and narrow footbridge to the other side.

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