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Facing a marble feeder—wait, that wasn't right—a kiss thief!—no! A sworn pervert!— Yu Yan got startled into a defensive stance!


The marble feeder only briefly gazed at him with nonchalant marble eyes, before dragging his sight back to the candle-a-bra in the hands of the other examinee. The indifferent look made Yu Yan doubt whether he was the same person he knew or not.

He doesn't seem to recognize me? Maybe he just looks like 'that' person?

He finally reacted and eased his stance as he studied the other person's body. Only then did Yu Yan take in the sight of a native Alhoshian—a man with two arms.

This can't be...

Yu Yan: I inadvertently found marble feeder's illegitimate brother! ...Somehow, I feel bad for 'that' guy...

Still Yu Yan: I wonder if they took after their mom or their dad? They look so alike they could be mistaken for twins! Maybe they have mixed parents like me...?

Yu Yan studied the other person so long that it was normal for them to notice. Yu Yan stilled when he looked back up only to cross gazes with Gazef. His scrutiny was slightly scorching. Yu Yan blushed at having been caught checking the other person out.

No, wait! It wasn't what you think! I wasn't checking you out—at least not in that way that you're thinking, sir! Sir!

Gazef, "Hmp." He looked away.


It took Yu Yan a few seconds to process his own auditory hallucination. Did he really hear a 'hmp'? A 'hmp'?! A tiny hidden vein made a threatening pulse, hidden behind his hair.

What the heck was that 'hmp' for?! I take back my feelings, who'd feel bad for this prick?!

Without any further reaction, Gazef took the candle-a-bra and walked away, not forgetting to showcase his best angle at Yu Yan like a high schooler with a crush. In the eyes of a third party, however, it seemed to be an act that screamed provocation, when in fact—

Gazef: Oh, he's looking, he's looking! What does he think? He keeps staring, oh my~ He thinks I have good bearing, doesn't he? He's shocked because I'm extremely good-looking! Hm-hmm~ Oh no, I mustn't smile, I mustn't smile...

—he was too preoccupied acting like a handsome and composed iceberg. Why so? It was his official debut in front of his future wife~ Why won't he try to look his coolest?

Feeling somewhat ignored, the arrogant applicant grit his teeth before turning around and leaving, breaking the typical small fish villain cliché of asking for a fight before scampering away broken and bruised after being defeated by someone stronger. However, it was indeed a wiser choice.

Even if they wanted to fight, it would only disqualify both parties from the exam, regardless of who's right and wrong. And even if they weren't disqualified, beating the grass to scare the snake wasn't wise. Every applicant was considered an enemy. If they revealed their own fighting styles prior to the 1v1 combat exam to be held last, wouldn't that be carrying a boulder only to let fall upon one's foot?

In short, it was a very foolish idea that even the arrogant small young fishy master knew. However, he didn't forget to turn his head abruptly at Yu Yan.

Yu Yan flinched slightly as he received a hostile and unhappy look.

"You'd better start praying I don't find out what your name is or else you're done. See if I don't end you in the last exam."

What did I do?! Aren't I the victim here? Did I get the wrong script here or something??

The angry young master scoffed and went to terrorize other fellow examinees, who parted away like a shoal of smaller fishes swimming away in collective terror.

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