Brunchington Beach

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(Hi everyone, yes I am back! I'm not dead lol sorry for the long wait, I had to deal with real life things/my sickness you know how it is >~> anyway, let's finish this story! Also you're free to play the music intro whenever you want now, not sure if you guys liked it or not that I did that ^^)

This will take place with Kipo and her friends to see how they're holding up..

(Kipo's POV)

I popped my body out from the bush as soon as Wolf gave the signal (I think..?) so I asked her in a whisper. "I forgot what the signals mean; is that "danger" or "no danger"?" Benson and Dave popped their heads out too, making a bit of noise as Dave laughed nervously at us.

Wolf groaned "Just, come on." With that we all ran silently to her as we stopped near the corner of a building. I raised my fist in the air "All right, everyone. Operation: Find my Parents' Old Burrow." I lowered my arm back down "Where do we find it? How do we find it? These are all questions I have." My face softened as I thought about (Y/n). "I wish (Y/n) were here with us...she'd know what to do."

Everyone made a sad expression when I mentioned her. And even though it's been a few days..

We all miss her.

Especially me. I mean, come on. After revealing we had the same kind of mute powers I only felt THAT much more closer to her. And now that she's gone I feel like a part of me is missing. Hopefully we'll find her and my burrow to rekindle who I am on the inside.

Benson got us out of our deep thoughts as he asked us "How do we find a burrow so secret not even the all-seeing goats know where it is?" Dave suddenly thought of something "Oh, oh, oh, oh! I know who could help us. She's a dangerous mute with short arms and even a shorter fuse, but she knows every secret in the city. Cappuccino."

My face brightened up "Oh, where can we find her?" "She runs a restaurant called Brunchington Beach. Best lunch in the city!" He said confidently, arms both crossed. "What's a brunch?" Wolf asked him and Dave happily answered, "It's breakfast and lunch, combined into one single meal." I watched as Dave hopped off the car and heard Benson make a quiet remark about Dave's definition of "Brunch".

He faced us as he continued talking more about this Cappuccino girl. "Only thing is, you gotta follow Cappuccino's three rules. One: everybody pays their own bill. Two: bills are paid with information. If you wanna trade, you better have something juicy. Or else..."

Wow, that's some rules she has.

"Let's go!" Dave cheered as he started to walk there until Wolf blocked him with stalky. "You said there were three rules." I eyed Dave suspiciously as he looked uneasy at Wolf. "Uh, the third rule is probably something like, "wash your hands." I don't remember. It'll be fine. Come on." Benson spoke up as well all turned to him "Uh, guys, I know he's my best friend and all, but following a Dave plan usually gets pretty weird."

"Hey! I would die for everyone here." He turned his back on us "And I have. Many, many times."

I mean..he's not wrong.

"So, if no one else has a better idea..." he continued to walk away as Benson let out a big sigh, eventually following him. "This is definitely gonna get weird." I begin to follow when Wolf caught my attention as she spoke to me "You just figured out how to put your paws away. You sure you're ready for this?"

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