Real Cats Wear Plaid

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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
F/C - favorite color

(Y/n's POV)

Of all the mutes we had to encounter next just had to be the Timbercats...great. And, don't get me wrong it's not that I hate them, they're just....a bit overwhelming sometimes.

(**Cue Music**)

They were all lined up together as one of them suddenly yelled, "Charge!" And they came running at us with their axes. What were we to do? What was our next plan? I hope we live to find out...

Yelling as they run towards us Dave begins to panic, "Oh, man! Oh, man! Those are Timbercats! Cats eat bugs!" Kipo then notices his wings and called to Dave, "Dave, you're flying! Fly us out of here!" She exclaimed getting Dave to realize it too. He grabbed on to all of us and tried flying us out but was struggling too much. I looked up at him and asked Kipo, "Uh, Kipo? I don't think Dave has the strength to lift us all up..!" I yelled as Dave suddenly dropped us to the ground as he came out of himself as a much older him and went back to his baby cocoon, luckily Benson caught him. "Yeah, sorry guys. Dave's got a little bit of, uh...performance anxiety issues." "Lesson seven of the surface..." Wolf said as we all looked back at the Timbercats, I quickly finished her sentence by saying, "Know when to RUN!!!!" Sprinting our legs we ran back and hid in between these giant boulders of rocks. Somehow they ran past us as if totally ignoring we were there in the first place.

We peeked our heads to see them digging for something and heard in on their conversation. "The monster's got to be here somewhere, keep looking!" "Tree stealer! Where are you HIDING?!" Two of them yelled, it seems this "Monster" stole their tree. Just then a white cat in a blue plaid shirt spun her two axes and put them behind her back. "We're wasting our time. Whatever it is, it's long gone by now." Raising both her paws in the air, disappointment in her voice. One of the cats wearing a beanie and a orange plaid shirt hissed at her, "You can't know for sure, Molly Yarnchopper!" Ah, so that's her name. "I know what I see." She picked up a piece of wood, "You think your tiny axes can stop the thing that did all this?" Another cat gasped, wearing a yellow beanie with a green plaid shirt, "That's from the Scratching Tree." She raised her axe, "Raise your axes for the Scratching Tree!" Every cat raised their axes meowing sadly as they bowed their heads. Molly spoke again, "The Mega Mute must have used our tree to make this crater. We're no match for a beast who could do that. Not with our leader gone...Not without Yumyan Hammerpaw."

Kipo saw their entire interaction with her once burrow home and she turned to us. "Guys, I think the Mega Mute they're looking for, is the same one who destroyed my city. What if my people didn't get away? What if it took them?" I placed a hand on her shoulder as the others just stared in worry and concern. "Kipo, don't think like that. I'm sure they're still alive somehow, and I bet if we follow that Mega Mute we can find your lost people!" I smiled at her giving her at least some hope. She smiled back and said, "We should team up with the cats to find it!" "Wait, wha-" "We have an enemy in common!" She tried to point out, but Wolf sighed knowing she'd say something like that. "Oh, Kipo. Humans and Mutes don't mix unless they're eating us." "She does have point there. What makes you think the Timbercats are just gonna voluntarily work with us?" I asked Kipo, hoping she'd see that it may be a bad idea to work with them.

"But they have an army!" The rest of us gasped as she went straight out of our hiding place and went to talk to them making Wolf face palm. So here's how it went down; she talked about her plan, they started crowding her, and now we're all locked up in a big cage full of what I think is litter, heading to their village. Being stuck in here Benson picked up a handful of the litter, "Something tells me this isn't the kind of sand you find at a beach." I crossed my arms, "It's litter, Benson..." just as I said that baby Dave came out and tried eating the litter while Benson had to restrain him from eating anymore. "Litter is not food!" Wolf who looked disappointed in Kipo said to her, "If you had listened to me, we would have gotten away." Kipo who was holding Mandu didn't look fazed at her behavior at all, "Clearly, the cats need some time to warm up to the idea of working with humans." She placed a hand on the little opened holes to see outside, only for a cat to claw at her, retracting her hand. "Maybe a lot of time..." I said as she eyed at the window once more, "But I will win them over!" She said confidently, balling her hand into a fist. "I don't work with mutes." Wolf said coldly, as Dave went into his teenage stage. "I could work with them, but the only problem is that they'd rather avoid me." I finished and was taken back by now seeing the whole Timbercat village. All the wood homes were way up in the trees followed by a few yarn balls dangling off in the trees. Some of the cats were even riding them across the place. A few cats I could see where building and building more homes for their village, it almost looks beautiful from this standpoint.

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