13: The Arrest

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Tyler arrived at the precinct and stormed into the squad room.
"Dr. Stanton" Amanda stood up and greeted him.
"I need to see Chelsea. Now" Tyler asserted.
"Once DCFS-" Amanda began.
"Don't give me that crap about child services!" Tyler interrupted Amanda. "I spoke to my lawyer who contacted DCFS and they denied having Chelsea."
Olivia came out of her office. "Sir, we are just trying to do right by Chelsea. She isn't here right now but I promise you she is safe." Olivia lied.
"Bullshit!" Tyler shouted. "I know for a fact she's here! Now, where is she?"
Chelsea heard Tyler's voice. She angrily exited the conference room, despite Sonny's best efforts to keep her in.
"Thank goodness" Tyler laid eyes on Chelsea. "Let's get out of here."
"How'd you know where I was?" Chelsea asked, not moving.
"I tracked your phone" Tyler admitted.
"You can't do that!" Chelsea argued.
"Yes, I can. I'm your father. Let's go." Tyler took a step toward Chelsea.
"No" Chelsea pulled back. "You're not my father! You're my rapist!" She shouted. Tyler started toward Chelsea but was stopped by Sonny and Fin.
"Ok. Enough." Olivia said calmly. "Take him to interrogation." She directed Fin, who ushered Tyler away.
"C'mon, Chels." Sonny put his hand on Chelsea's back to lead her into the conference room again.
"No" Chelsea shook her head. "I can't sit in there any more. I need... I need to get out.. I just..."
"How 'bout we go for a walk?" Sonny suggested. He looked at Olivia for approval and she gave him a nod. Chelsea sighed in relief and agreed. She and Sonny left the precinct.
Olivia entered the interrogation room where Fin stood with Tyler.
"You can't keep me in here!" Tyler protested.
Olivia closed the door behind her. "Actually, we can. You are a suspect in the rape of a 15 year old girl."
Tyler shook his head. "I don't know what you are talking about."
"Really? Because I think you do." Olivia sat down and gestured to the chair on the other side of the table. "Chelsea was raped yesterday. The only man who she was with was you, Dr. Stanton."
Tyler sat down. "Am I under arrest?"
Olivia and Fin shared confused glances. They had expected Tyler to have more of a reaction to the statement that Chelsea was raped. If he wanted to keep up the facade of a caring stepdad, he would've acted more concerned. "Uh, no" Olivia answered.
"Then, am I free to go?" Tyler had a stone cold look on his face. Fin and Olivia knew he was guilty.
Fin's phone buzzed and he checked the message. "Not yet." He showed the phone to Olivia and the two detectives left the room. "Amanda said security from the hotel shows Chelsea getting off the elevator at 5:23 and getting back in the elevator at 5:55. She's having them send over the footage now." Olivia sighed. At least this was one piece of evidence to build their case.
Amanda, Fin, Sonny, Rafael, and Olivia sat around the table watching the security footage.
"Ok here we see Chelsea getting off the elevator, looking fine." Amanda said. She fast forwarded the video. "Almost exactly 30 minutes later, Chelsea can be seen getting on the elevator. Look at her. Her shirt's clearly on backwards. And look at how she's walking, she's in pain." Amanda winced. The detectives turned to Rafael, hoping this was enough to arrest Tyler.
Rafael sighed. "It's a long shot. The physical evidence is weak. But add to it Chelsea's testimony, we might have a chance." Rafael told them.
Sonny pulled out his handcuffs. "Can I?" He asked Olivia and Rafael.
Olivia tilted her head toward Fin. "Don't let him screw this up." Fin smirked and he and Sonny walked off.

Sonny pushed open the door to the interrogation room. "Tyler Stanton, you are under arrest for the rape of Chelsea Carisi." He pulled Tyler out of the chair and forcefully grabbed his arms to put on the handcuffs. Tyler protested but Sonny kept talking and read him his Miranda Rights as he led Tyler to be processed.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you are enjoying it! Feedback is always appreciated :). Please forgive any legal inaccuracies- most of my knowledge of the legal system comes from watching SVU.

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