6: Still My Dad

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Two hours later, Chelsea, Pippa, and Sonny sat across from Judge Proctor.
"I've read over the file and talked with Ms. Cox about the situation" the judge began. "Dominick Carisi, you are requesting temporary custody of your niece, Chelsea Carisi, because there is concern that her stepfather, Tyler Stanton, is a risk to her safety, is that correct?"
"Yes, your honor" Sonny replied.
"I know there was an incident earlier today," Judge Proctor continued. "Chelsea, can you please tell me about it?"
Chelsea looked at the judge. She wasn't sure what to say. If she told the truth, she may be taken away from Tyler- her dad. She knew he had a temper but she also knew he loved her. Surely, her mom wouldn't have stayed married to him for over 10 years if he wasn't a good man. Also, Tyler was the only parent she had left. She didn't want to risk losing that.
After a second of thought Chelsea answered, "I tripped." Sonny's jaw dropped and he stared at his niece. "He did hit me but I was talking back and being disrespectful. After that I stepped back and tripped. That's all." Chelsea looked down. Sonny wanted to speak but Pippa shook her head, silently telling him to keep his mouth shut.
"Chelsea, do you feel safe going home with Tyler?" the judge asked.
Chelsea nodded her head. "Yeah" her voice cracked. "He's my dad." Tears rolled down Chelsea's face and she quickly wiped them away.
"Well then, detective, Chelsea will remain in the custody of Mr. Stanton." Judge Proctor determined. Pippa thanked the judge for her help and guided Sonny and Chelsea out of the room.
"What the hell was that about?" Sonny snapped at Chelsea. "Why didn't you tell her what happened?"
"Detective, not here," Pippa wanted to avoid making a scene in the courthouse and brought them to a conference room. "I'll let you two talk." She left.
"Chelsea, you just made keeping you away from Tyler much harder" Sonny sighed.
"I'm not sure I want to be away from him!" Chelsea exclaimed. "Maybe it was a one time thing."
"Chels, in my experience, it's never a one time thing" Sonny told her seriously.
"But he's still my dad" Chelsea collapsed into a chair. "He raised me, you know? He was at every soccer game, parent teacher conference, doctor's appointment. As much as I'm scared of him right now, he's still my daddy" Chelsea began sobbing hysterically. She was crying so hard it was difficult for her to breathe.
"Whoa, Seabug," Sonny embraced his niece. "Deep breaths, kiddo. You're okay." It felt like hours before Chelsea finally started to calm down.
"I'm tired" Chelsea mumbled, still clinging on to Sonny.
"I bet, kid. Let's get you back to the precinct." Sonny peeled Chelsea off of him and stood up.
At the precinct, Fin entered the interrogation room. "You're free to go. With Chelsea" he said irritably.
"Finally" Tyler sighed under his breath.
"If you ever lay another hand on that girl I assure you that you will never see her again." Fin threatened. He opened the door and let Tyler leave the room.
Sonny entered the precinct with Chelsea tiredly walking beside him. Her eyes were puffy, tear stains covered her cheeks, and her face was still red from crying. When she saw Tyler, she picked up her pace and walked toward him.
She wrapped her arms tightly around his torso. "I'm sorry, daddy" She started crying again.
"I know Chelly, I am too" Tyler kissed the top of her head. "Let's get out of here, hm?" He whispered.
Chelsea pulled away and nodded. "One sec." she walked over to Sonny. "I'm really really sorry. I know I screwed up. I'm sorry for doing this to you and your team. I'm just... sorry."
"Please, Chelsea, don't apologize." Sonny said. "And if at any time anything makes you uncomfortable, you call me. You got that? Anytime for anything." Chelsea nodded and joined Tyler in exiting the precinct.

The detectives turned to Sonny. They waited for an explanation that clearly wasn't coming naturally. "What happened?" Olivia finally asked.
"She recanted." Sonny sounded frustrated. "She told the judge he slapped her for talking back and she tripped. She said she wanted to be with Tyler." Sonny rested his elbows on his desk.
"Did she say why?" Amanda pressed.
"She said she thought it was a one time thing and that he's still her dad."
"Chel, you've barely eaten all day. Let's stop and get something" Tyler held Chelsea's hand as they walked down the street.
Chelsea shook her head. "I feel sick."
"About everything that happened?" Tyler asked. Chelsea nodded and watched her feet. "It's alright, baby." Tyler told her. "We all make mistakes." The duo stayed quiet until they reached the elevator in the hotel.
"I'm sorry for bringing up mom" Chelsea whispered.
"Let's not talk about that, okay?" Tyler replied. Tyler put the key in the door and they entered the hotel room.
"But can we please talk about it?" Chelsea whined. "I don't want to fight, I just want to know. I told the judge I wanted to stay with you but honestly part of me is afraid. You've never touched me before and now that mom's gone I'm scared you're going to do to me what you did to her." Chelsea confessed everything.
"C'mere" Tyler sat on the foot of the bed and patted the spot next to him for Chelsea to join him, which she did. "What I did to your mom was only in response to her behavior. If you're a good girl, there won't been need for punishment." He gently stroked Chelsea's hair.
"I promise I'll be a good girl" Chelsea leaned against Tyler and closed her eyes.
Tyler continued stroking Chelsea's hair "I know you will."

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