20: Moving Forward

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It had been three weeks since Chelsea's overdose and things were looking up. She had been meeting regularly with Dr. Charles who was helping her learn to cope with everything. Sonny took time off work to be home with Chelsea and help her adjust to living in the city. Amanda spent her days off with the Carisis, which Chelsea appreciated having another woman around. Things were falling into place.
"Ready to go?" Sonny peeked his head into Chelsea's room. His once simplistic guest room had been taken over by pictures of Chelsea's friends and latest celebrity crush. The bed was now decorated with many pillows and a blue and purple plaid comforter replaced the grey one that had been there previously.
Chelsea looked up and nodded. Sonny opened the door fully and waited for Chelsea to leave before turning the light off and following her into the hall.
The two arrived at the restaurant where the other detectives and Rafael were waiting for them. The group enjoyed their meal and, much to Sonny's relief, Chelsea ate most of her pasta without any request from him.
"She seems to be doing well" Olivia said softly to Sonny. They watched as Chelsea pretended to be fascinated by Noah's and Jesse's childish ramblings.
Sonny nodded in agreement. "She's getting there. I think she'll be even better after tonight's news."
Once they had finished their meal, Sonny stood up and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. He walked over to Chelsea and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Thank you guys for coming out tonight. I'm so grateful to have you as my family. I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me and my daughter." Chelsea looked up at him with questioning eyes. "The papers went through. You are officially my kid."
Chelsea turned around and wrapped her arms around her uncle. "Thank you, Uncle Sonny." She said softly. "I love you."
"I love you too, Seabug." Sonny replied.
Chelsea looked around at everyone sitting at the table. She felt so thankful for the support and love she had from her uncle's coworkers. Mostly, she was thankful for her uncle who saw her through the whole ordeal. She finally felt safe. For the first time since her mom passed away, Chelsea knew things were going to be okay.

The end. Thank you so much for reading and sorry for the terribly long wait in finishing this story. I also apologize for the short ending. I'm not really great at conclusions!
I hope you enjoyed! I really appreciate all the reads and favorites! This was my first story and I'm thankful that you guys read it and liked it :)

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