Chapter Twenty Nine

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Emily's Pov

I can't belive they know. I storm to my car and drive over to where me and my father are staying.

"Dad!" I call. "We have a new development."

"Yes sweetheart?" my father says, coming into sight.

"She knows. We need a new plan." I groan. "I can't just ruin her life because apparently people actual care about her." I feel sick just thinking about the apparent care they have for my slut of a sister.

"Let's just kill her." Dad says with a shrug. "Then we're free of her."

"The world would well and truly be a better place without her." I smirk. Unfortunately I wouldn't have my little gounes to help me this time but I didn't need them.

Meet me @ storage locker 34 @ 11 2nght bring no one

Dearest sister
Who's this?

Take a guess my dearest sister

Dearest sister
I'll be there
Leave evry2 elze alone

Of course

Lola doesn't respond again but I know she got the point. Oh this will be well and truly fun.

"Make her death a quick one sweetheart. Well need to get away quickly." My father says making me sign.

"Fine. If I have to." I sigh.

Lola's Pov

"Ethan." I whisper from next to him. We were in a class. "She wants me to meet her at storage locker 34 tonight. It's time for plan B."

"Are you sure Lol?" Ethan asks, dispite the fact he's using my nickname I sense the seriousness.

"Yes." I whisper. "Just have everything ready."

"Of course." Ethan mumbles. I feel my heart break. I had hoped it wouldn't come to this.


I get home and once again write letters to the people closest to me.
Everyone has one. I haven't known these people for long but I know I will always remember them.

Maybe this is for the best. This was I can start over. Deep down I know that isn't true. I'm leaving the only family I have left.
I'm leaving the best friends I've ever had. They've helped me through so much. I don't know where I would be without them.

Sometimes I let myself wonder what my life would be like if my mother had neve had an affair. Maybe my life would be good. Maybe I'd be happy. But I know I wouldn't have met Ace, April, Ethan or anyone else. I know I have met people that I will always remember but maybe this is better for them.

I take a deep breath. Far too soon it is 10:45. I make sure everything is secure before leaving and making my way to the storage centre. Far too soon I find storage room 34. I take a deep breath before walking in.

The room is dark. I can barely make out any movements. I can hear the distinctive sound of heels falling onto the cold, hard floor. I gulp.

"So you came." Emily spoke, sounding much to proud of herself.

"I said I would." I say with fake confidence. I know the tablet I took would be kicking in any minute now.

"Let's just make this quick, yea sis?" Emily asks, her smirk clear in her voice. "Don't worry I'll tell Danny where to find you." Emily smiles before pulling the trigger. I feel it hit and I fall to the floor. "You should've thought twice before going home with Peter."

I don't answer, it getting harder and harder to breathe. I slip in and out of consciousness, Emily's voice becoming inaudible as darkness takes over. This is it for me. This is the end of Lola's story. The tablet does it job as I feel Emily take my arm and check for a heart beat, of course there is none. I hear her walk away and I'm left in darkness. Feeling the air leave my lungs.

Daniel's Pov

Storage room 34

My heart stops. It couldn't be? No. I get into my car and race over to the storage center. I find storage room 34 much too slowly for my liking.

There in a pool of blood is Lola. She has no life in her eyes. Clearly she is dead. I feel tears pool in my eyes. How could I let this happen? I let my sister die. My heart breaks as I shakely call the group chat. One by one they pick up.

"Storage room 34. Lola." Is all I manage to stumble out. I hear Ethan take a shake breath before they all mutter things along the lines of I'm on my way before the line cuts off. One by one.
I feel my room fall apart. My sister is gone.
I'm alone now. Well and truly alone.

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