Chapter Ten: Threats

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So when you pull away
Don't let the memories blind you
All of the things you chase
Falling away behind you
It's something you can't replace
Chained to the love that binds you
Don't let the past remind you
She's the last of her kind
Last of her kind - Alec Benjamin

Lola's Pov

It was now lunch, the day had been uneventful. Now I had to hang out with Ace and the rest of the gang. I sigh as I slam my locker shut.

"Hey sis." Daniel says from behind me. "You ready for lunch?" He questions, I just nod pathetically. A lingering feeling of danger hung over me like a cloud but I ignored it, instead I walked with Daniel out of the school.

We drive to the KFC we went to yesterday, once again in silence. I allowed my mind to wonder, what does he want this time? Will he do it again? I shake the memories away and climb out of Daniels car as it slides to a stop.

"I'll pay for you again." Daniel says in a soft voice, as if he doesn't want to scare me. I just nod and walk to where the others are sat. "What do you want baby bear?" Daniel asked.

Just some frys please big bear. I write, using his old nickname which makes me smile and pull me into his arms. I whimper and pull away, my body shaking slightly.

"Are you okay baby bear?" Daniel asked, I nod slightly and sit next to Ace, wanting to lean on him for comfort which he happily provides by resting his arm on the back of my chair again.
Daniel nods and walks away, giving Ace a look that says 'We'll talk about this later' which of course makes me sigh. I move slightly closer to Ave, which I hope he doesn't notice. His response was to move closer to me too so we were almost touching, his heat radiated onto my body which calmed me in a way nobody else could. I wondered how he could but I chose not to voice my question.

The others continue talking and I put the appropriate facial expressions in the correct places. I'm greatful when Daniel comes back with my frys and I give Daniel a smile and silently thank him. Daniel quickly joins in with the conversation. I'm almost done with my frys when my phone buzzes, making me jump slightly.

Leave your little 'friends' Koala. We wouldn't want anything to happen now would we? As soon as I read the message I know who it's from, and I know exactly what they'll do.

"I have to go!" I exclaim, quickly climbing out of the booth and running out of the KFC. I keep running until I find myself outside my apartment building, I walk in and rush up to were my apartment is.

I open the door and flee to my room.

Good girl. The newest message said.

What do you want? I reply. There's a few minutes before another message comes through.

You. It reads, making my skin crawl.

How long this time? I type with shaking hands.

Forever. He replies. I whimper and leave the message on read.

I get off my bed and sit at my desk. I start to write three separate letters. One to Ace, one to Daniel and one to James. I have a fight tonight, and I'll talk to Lex later. A plan starts to form in my mind of how to say goodbye to everyone.

Meet me at Starbucks in an hour. Its Lola btw. I message Lex, I got him number off the gangs data base, I figured I might need to use it one day. I just didn't think it would be this soon.

K. Lex replied and I switched to HIS number.

24 hours then I'm all yours. I say to HIM. He doesn't reply which makes me smile.

Once I have the nessassary letters in my bag I make my way to my garage and get in my car. I drive to the nearest Starbucks getting there about half an hour early. I order my preferred drink and sit at the back in the corner.


Half an hour later Lex walks through the door and places himself on the chair in front of me.

"You wanted to see me." Lex smiles.

"I need you to give something to Ace and Daniel." I state, getting straight to the point.

"You speak?" He exclaims, I give him a look that says 'not the time' and he gets back to the point. "Why?" Lex asks.

"No questions please. Just promise in exactly 25 hours and 30 minutes you'll give them these letters." I speak, handing Lex the letters.

"I will." He brings out his phone and sets a timer making me smile.

"Don't let them look for me." I say inw a deadly voice which makes Lex gulp and nod.

"I won't." Lex gulped.

"Thanks Lex." I sigh and walk out, leaving Lex with the letters to finish his drink.

I walk to my apartment and pack up all my things. I put my apartment up for sale. Putting things in place for tomorrow.


Now its time for my fight, I'm dressed in my gear and am making my way to the ring.

I win the match easily and make my way to James' office.
I knock softly on the door and hear a 'come in from the other side.

"Good match today Lo, you weren't messing around tonight."

"No I wasn't." I say softly. James looks up in shock.

"You okay Lo?" he questions and I nod.

"I love you so much James but this is my last match for a while." I say softly. James looks at me with sad eyes.

"Your like the sister I never had Lo. I love you. Stay safe." James says, I wrap my arms around him with tears pooling down my eyes. I slip the letter into his pocket that I know he'll find later.

"Goodbye James." I whisper before walking away from my life.

Unknowns Pov

I have to get her away from Ace's gang otherwise I'll never have her. She's coming willingly which is a good sign. Id hate to have to kidnap her again.

I get her room ready and wait. Counting the hours until I get my Koala back. For good this time.

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