Chapter Fourteen: Plan

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Well, you look like yourself
But you're somebody else
Only it ain't on the surface
Well, you talk like yourself
No, I hear someone else though
Now you're making me nervous
Somebody else - Flora Cash

Daniel's Pov

Lola has been gone for a week. Everyone is a wreck. James has been over every day asking if we have found anything out about this Andrew guy but unfortunately we've found nothing.
James told us the Cathy woman that did Lola's tattoos hasn't slept, and has been over at his house much more often. He's getting worried about her, she hasn't eaten properly since Lola disappeared.
April has been restless and has refused to leave her room. They hadn't been close but April could sense that Lola was special, she was diffrent then all the other girls that we let into our lives. Even Austin couldn't get through to her, the only time she would leave her room is for the bathroom or food.
Austin has been like a rock or April but he himself had barely slept. He had bags under his eyes, stubble on his face from obviously not shaving, he looked horrible and I knew I didn't look any better.
Lex hasn't left his computer, continuously searching for this Andrew fellow that James mentioned. Any time he's eaten someone has had to bring it to him, he hasn't even gone to the bathroom which in itself is concerning.

haven't slept, I've barely eaten. I've spent most of my time trying to comfort Ace who has been by far the worst of all of us.
Ace has abandoned the plans to attack our rival gang, he's been angry at everyone and any resources we have gone to find my Lola. I've brought him food but he hasn't eaten any of it, all he's done is scan through background checks, filled through Lola's life, gone through hospital records. He's found nothing to help find Lola, he's a broken man. Since he's a wreck the whole gang is a wreck, it's falling to streads.
The only person that seems remotely happy about Lola's disappearance is Alexa, the girl that argued with Lola while she was here. She was taking to the most of Ace's anger since she refused to help. If she wasn't so good at her job she would be dead by now.

I got to my room after a long day of searching for Lola I go to my room. My head swormimg with thoughts of what could be happening to my little sister at this moment in time. When I enter my room I find a note. That reads 'Stop looking - A' I think about ripping the note into tiny parts until I realise this could be the hint we needed. I rush to where Lex has been glued to his computer.

"Do a finger print analysis on this!" I tell at him. His eyes light up and for the first time all week his eyes look up and he looks like he's alive again.

"Right away sir." He answers and starts doing some technical shit to find the fingerprints that were left on the paper.

Four months later

"I think I found something!" Lex exclaims. Everyone stops what we're doing and freezes. Waiting for him to explain what he found. "There is a house under the name Andrew Lewisham, I did some cross referenceing and his name matches someone that lived in the same town as Lola when she was younger and his prints match the ones found on the letter."

"What are we waiting for?" August exclaims, beating both me and Ace to it.

"Well, it's about 500 miles from here, I've done some hacking and hacked into his security system he has about 50 men and 30 woman working for him, all of them coming in and out of the house at random times of the day. I'll need some time to study his patters before we can make a plan." Lex exclaims making all of us groan.

"Do it quickly." Ace instructs.

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