Chapter 13: Waw's Burial Chambers

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Fandy was serving up lunch on the surface, but they all gathered as the four women emerged. Michelle found Sarah and gave her a tight, fierce hug. Then she eased out of it and smiled wryly. "How have things been up here?"

"About half a dozen ogres showed up not long after you went down. They weren't the barbarians or sorcerer types though. Steven and Fandy pretty much finished them up with a little support from me." Sarah grinned. "The regular ogres are tough, but as long as we can keep them moving, they seem to be rather ineffective. Looks like you've seen some action though."

Michelle smiled and said, "Seston is no longer an issue, but I think we'll be going back after lunch. Some undead the elves want to clean up. Then there is a big feast in our honor this evening. I guess we'll put the new guys on watch so we can all enjoy. Lady Gilleana insists on baths for us all first. Can't say I disagree with her, but we'll see how things go with the undead. I think you should put your armor on in case more dangerous opposition show up." Sarah rolled her eyes. "Please – I'd like to keep my sister around for many years to come. That involves her wearing her armor when it is appropriate."

"Fine, I'll put my armor on after lunch."

Lunch turned out to be the Fandy sandwich special, done with strips of chicken this time. There were no complaints and Michelle set hers to one side so she could talk while everyone else ate. "I'm going to go with Lady Gilleana, Sir Ailea and Talitha while the blessing is still good on my rapier. We'll be heading down into the cave system to try and clear out the undead down there. That will be this afternoon. Sarah has agreed to put her armor on, so it will be her, Steven, and Fandy up here, helping the new recruits to bolster the fortifications to the interior, using what is left of the exterior wall. I'll see if Stura can't organize a work party to help out. I'm going to change into my regular gear I think. Fandy – you should check out Seston's bedroom. See if there is anything in there of interest. Oh and I took these off his body." She offered three flasks to Fandy.

Fandy nodded and took the flasks. "Fandy get Simon to help. We both good at potions."

"Okay. Steven, I want your report on the ogre patrol this morning. While I eat this delicious sandwich Fandy made for me." She gave Fandy a grin and then bit into the sandwich.

"Well, it went much as you'd expect. Fandy used a trick to help with her defense, Sarah sang some supportive blessings and Fandy and I kept the six or so ogres from Sarah. Pincer attack to expose flanks where we could, but we could tell these were just regular ogres. Not sure what they were doing here to be honest, but they appeared to be heading directly toward the fort. Friends of the former Grand High Migan perhaps?"

Michelle nodded and looked to Fandy to see if she wanted to add anything. "These not have same tribe markings as those on the night raid. Seemed more surprised? Fandy think they not expect us. With better interior wall, get the new recruits to help with archer cover. Nerakans helpfully supplied clan with arrows."

Michelle took a couple more bites from the sandwich and then looked over to Lady Gilleana. "I know it's irregular, Lady Gillean, but I thought you might like to give us a report on your incident with the undead? You were critical in the encounter, after all."

Gilleana looked over, surprised to be called upon for such a thing. She cleared her throat and looked around before speaking in her melodious voice. "Sir Ailea and I were waiting for the conclusion of the negotiations with Seston, planning on assisting with some undead the Migan clan were having issues with, when the sounds of... extreme diplomacy started coming from Seston's bed chamber. The tremulous Aghar were put to flight given the unpredictable nature of the negotiations. Some of them ran into some over-sized skeletons. The poor little mites were too scared to flee to safety, so Sir Ailea and myself in comportment, disposed ourselves to the Aghar and their violent misfortune. Sir Ailea's weapons by preference were of a nature that was less effective against the skeletal undead, and given these were nigh nine feet tall, I disgorged the power of Paladine upon them and sent one of the massive beasts fleeing. As that was insufficient to calm those Aghar still in the vicinity, I pulled my warhammer and set to with abandon."

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