Chapter 19: Betrayal, Betrothal and Bittersweet

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Michelle's mouth opened, her expression shocked, surprised and turning gently into an affectionate amused. She glanced at Sarah, for in this kind of matter even the Anineysi deferred to the Chaplain. Sarah got to decide whether to perform the ceremony or not, but Michelle knew her sister well enough to know there would be a wedding at Waw that very afternoon.

"I would be honored and delighted to assist you in this nuptial congress," Sarah said. Her smile was broad and her eyes alight with delight. "You will have to let me know which traditions you like observed. I have my formal raiment with me, of course, but will you require all attendees to be in any particular attire? Will you require a banquet afterwards? A reception prior? So many decisions to make and so little time..." Sarah's voice trailed away as she looked between the two marriage candidates, beaming.

Talitha managed to reply first. "Thank you Sarah, I'm sure some of those would be very nice. Perhaps a feast with optional dancing afterwards? Steven and I have to be on our way to Alsip, after all, so we can't tarry here too long."

Michelle turned to Sedgwick and said, "Why don't you get into your on duty gear? We'll stand watch while everyone else prepares for the wedding. I have a feeling I'll need to be part of the wedding party, but until then we can discuss how best to work your abilities into our own and make sure there are no uninvited guests to the party." Sedgwick seemed about to comment to the Steven and then looked at Michelle and nodded.

"Yes, Commander," he said and strode off to his billet.

Michelle looked to Sarah next. "Anything you need, tell them you have the Captain's authority." She paused and then amended, "Unless it involves brandy." She gave her sister a grin and a wink and then turned to the couple. Without hesitation she stepped forward and hugged first Talitha and then Steven. "Congratulations," she said to them both in a quiet tone. Her eyes set on Steven's face then, expression turning serious. "There is a talk and an exchange we need to have before you depart to become Anineysi in Alsip. After the ceremony and feasting." She nodded then and before they could say anything, she stepped away, hiding the tears on her cheeks from her friends about to become married. Her thoughts had turned to Lawrence and the little time they were given at the thought of marriage and she was not about the tarnish their day with her sorrow.

She had regained her composure by the time Sedgwick joined her. He had put on breastplate, backplate and greaves, not the full plated armor the knights favored but neither the lightest of armor. Two handed sword and bow were crossed on his back, shorter blades at his waist, he certainly looked the part of coinsword now, especially since the monocle was gone. His mien was almost jovial however. He wore a pouch on the belt that secured those smaller blades, and Michelle recognized it as one that held components for spells. His helm was tucked under his left arm: an open faced deal with the nose guard. His right hand came up with clenched fist as he closed to conversational range, tapping on his chest in a salute.

"Easy now," Michelle said, "you're probably more used to armed camps with lots of officers and men-at-arms, but here we tend toward the casual so that advanced scout snipers can't mark the officers. Just call me Michelle or Anineysi if you're feeling formal." She smiled and then gestured toward the forest. "Were you given much instruction on the situation here?"

"Only that you are facing two different enemies: the Nerakans, and some ogres and thanoi that have banded together. You should know I am contracted primarily against the Nerakans, but there is a secondary clause that will permit me to assist against other enemies should they engage while I am under your remit, but they are not covered by the primary contract. Should we find that the Nerakans have reduced in prominence, then we can re-negotiate the contract. You were given the authority to do so in such circumstances. Since we are in Nerakan territory and heading towards Nerakan territory, I suspect we will not need to re-negotiate for some time, at least."

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