Names, Magic, and Family

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Jon didn't know what to do, it was all a very difficult situation to deal with. His dragon didn't want to leave Amaryllis' side. The little devil wouldn't let anyone touch it but him and now he couldn't get it to leave her. Which reminded him the white creature needed a name.  He stared at the white serpentine body with its yellow eyes. It had nestled itself into the raven haired beauty's chest.
"Lilliana." He whispered. Both heads turned towards him. "Her name is Lilliana." The dragon seemed to pure in agreement. As it flapped its wings a few times to get to him.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful creature." She spoke as she wiped a tear from her eye. "A combination of our mothers names, I'm sure they both would be overjoyed." He stood and rested his hand against her cheek.
"We will make them even more proud by leading this kingdom into a new age of dragons."
Her eyes lit up at his words. "You've made your decision." It was more of a statement then a question.
"Indeed, I just hope I've made the correct one.  This city it isn't home. Home is in the north. But as a king I can make anywhere the capital. I will need to talk it over with Fath..uncle and King Robert. But I would prefer to live in the north." She kissed his hand. "Or we could just use your magic to get home every night."
She seemed to give it some thought. "This place has many bad memories for more then just your family. I believe making our home in the north would prove beneficial in the king run. We can have trusted people oversee the redevelopment of the city and even appoint a lord to these lands. But even then our wedding comes first then your crowning. We might have to spend several years here first to deal with a few things." She looked a little worried.
"Tell me, we agreed no more secrets." He urged.
"The is quiet, too quiet, I fear they are planning something. Then the Lannisters, while their gold and influence are dwindling they still have a large army. The problem with Robb will be fixed when your father returns home. But there is also the issue of the beings beyond the wall. We don't know what they want or what they are after. I haven't felt this afraid in a very long time."
"Together my love we will conquer them all. King Robert and Uncle can go ahead with the trials of the Lannister twins. Then once I am king we can charge Tywin and the mountain with the murder of the Princess of Dorne and her children. Uncle's opinion on the vale will be needed. They are technically family." She nodded. "We will do everything in our power to protect our people."
"What about those north of the wall? The wildlings? If what has been said about the beings beyond the wall not even they deserve that fate."
"You my love are once again right, but we can only do so much at a time." She sighed.
"My Lord! Winterfell been attacked!" Percy had come running in.
"What!" They both shouted in shock.
"Roose Bolton has taken the castle! Robb is missing. The maester believes he is being held prisoner." He handed them the message.
It was smeared in blood. "My lord we have been betrayed lord Bolton has attacked and taken control of the castle.'
Before she could say anything Jon took control. "Father the men and get to Uncle, we need to get to the north as quick as possible." With a nod and a salute Percy was off to rally the men. "It seems our timetable has been moved up. Is there anyway to get us to the north quicker?" He asked.
She smirked, "I have just the thing, have everyone meet in the throne room." He started to walk away. "Leadership suits you my love." He gave her a grim smile.
She conjured her patronus and sent it off with a message. "Prepare for battle." This would have everyone in Gryffin's Watch ready by the time they got there. As she made her way to the throne room she passed guards making their way as well. She made her way in silently as the men spoke amongst themselves. From the shadow she could see Neds worried face. She could see the resolve in Jon's an the understanding in Roberts. Robert tried to get them all to be quiet but they weren't listening until Jon yelled. It seemed there was just something about him that screamed listen and follow.
"Silence!" He yelled out. The room immediately became silent. "Winterfell has been attacked. We are looking for volunteers to go with Lord Stark and I to retake the castle." The men began to mumble.
"And just how are we to get there." This was her cue, she stepped from the shadows and stood beside Jon the dragon perched on her shoulder for all to see.  The men openly gaped at the small dragon.
"You will be going to Gryffin's Watch first to gather reinforcements, messages have already been sent to those loyal to the starks and their Armies are being formed. I however will get you to the north as soon as everyone is ready."
"Just how will you do that my lady?" A younger knight questioned.
"With magic of course." She smirked. With a nod from Jon, she levitated a tapestry off the closest wall. Some of the men shrieked in surprise. She quickly made it into a portkey. "I suggest anyone who is coming should grab on. It will take us to an empty field near the town." Jon and Ned stepped forward and so did over half the men. "Hold on tight, don't let go until I tell you too."
As they landed several of the men threw up. "You get used to it." She laughed. The quickly made their way to the castle and to what would be a dining hall. There were already several hundreds of men ready for battle. She exited the hall as they prepared for battle. The other lords would want their share of blood as well. She created several port keys and sent them with elves to get everyone here to plan.
She waited, it didn't take long for the first group to arrive. Lord umber and his men numbered 500 strong. He was lead into the hall by and elf. Next was Lord Karstark. With another 600. Then Lady Mormount, with 700 men and women. They each were led into the hall. Amaryllis stood silently once again in the shadows as everyone greeted each other with bitter happiness. No one liked war, and this was a declaration of war.
"Would you mind filling us in on what's happening Lord Stark?" Lady Mourmont said. This was a woman she could get along with, didn't take shit and straight to the point.
He and Jon shared a look. Before the younger nodded. "Roose Bolton has taken control of Winterfell, with my oldest son running the castle and my wife and younger children in Braavos and myself in kings landing he took advantage of my absence." His clenched fist hit the table. "This will not go unpunished."
Jon placed his hand on Neds shoulder.
"We will get our home and Robb back Uncle." He tried to reassure him.
"There more you all must know but very little time. Long story short Jon's not a bastard but the rightful heir to the iron throne. His future wife is helping us take back my home." That was when she stepped from the shadow.
"We will take the castle back, that you have my word." Her stern
expression took some of the men back. Lady Mormont smirked, she knew another warrior when she saw one.
"Could wisteria help?" Ned asked hopefully.
She shrugged, "Probably, but the question would be how much do you want burned."
"Just for the fear factor then." She nodded.
The plans were made now all they needed was to get there. They all refused to use the porkeys again. She however had no such problems and waited until they reached Winterfell to join them.

The army itself stood, 15,000 strong. More, men had joined them and met them on their march to Winterfell. They sat on horse back, on the hill overlooking the barren ground before the castle. A large shadow flying overhead started to spook the horses and the men. Jon's horse and Ghost seemed to be the only calm ones. It didn't help any when a beast larger then Winterfell landed before them. The raven haired woman only few had met sat comfortably on its back.
"Hello all." She greeted warmly. Jon chuckled as he dismounted.
"This must be Lillianna's mother." The dragon bent its head down an sniffed him. Blowing hot air into his face it returned to its watchful position. Amaryllis laughed.
"She likes you!" She slid down the side of Wisteria into Jon's waiting arms.
Their attention was drawn toward the gates of Winterfell, a chained Robb could be seen being dragged by Bolton's bastard.
"Can you do anything to protect him?" He asked her.
"I already have." She smiled. Robb might be an ass but he was still family. She had never been good at waiting, so in the fortnight it had taken them to get to the castle she had managed to go in and place protections on those loyal to the Starks. Not that anyone knew that. She also had a heavy wards placed on both Jon and Ned.
A part of her knew that this battle was not hers to fight, it wouldn't stop her from helping as much as she could. This battle will show the other lords Jon's skills in leader ship and battle. A small party rode to meet the others halfway. She didn't know what was said but it was obvious that Ned was furious.
What had come next was an obvious ploy to anger them further. Robb was sent running across what would soon be the battle field. When the Bolton bastard let lose his first arrow.

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