Life sucks

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So like it says life sucks I know everyone's waiting on an update. It's been absolute hell trying to find time.Found out before Christmas that I was pregnant (baby number 3) then this was the hardest pregnancy I went through just to get my little girl. Then after flooding my lungs in the hospital and getting Pneumonia for the 3rd time in five years, on top of a kidney infection we found out I have cancer. Whoop de fucking do, luckily it's confined to my kidney and a single surgery should get rid of it all. But juggling, a newborn, cancer, a 5 and 4 year old as well as both of them needing surgery as well my 5yo for his eyes and my 4yo because he somehow managed to break his top front teeth so bad that they are broken inside the gums and need to be removed, but the surgery is still 2 months away so it's just one more thing to worry about. And I'm looking for a job since $200 worth of groceries doesn't feed my family for 3 weeks anymore.

Anywhore i will eventually update my stories, thank you all for being so patient! Love you people!

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