Essos (minor edits)

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Death had placed us near the City of Braavos, home to the Iron bank with me in a 13 year old body! Nothing could stop Sirius from laughing and making fun of me. After making our way into the bank and depositing 3 million gold dragons. Much to their shock. We managed to buy a large portion of land near the the sea. The land itself had been confiscated by the bank years ago, as the owner had defaulted on payments. The city was in ruins and the manor house is disrepair. The lands themselves hadn't been used for years and were quite overgrown. The elves cleaned everything up, good as new and quickly with the use of magic. Using magic we managed to disguised them as humans. With very little work we had plenty of humans coming to live in our new port town. Sirius became the Lord of our little town and we found that we had somehow made enemies out of someone. The would be assassin was killed and easily gave up his employer another merchant who had felt the Gryffindor family was encroaching on his business. We sent the assassins head back to him in a bag. After that I took to training in weapons. Something that was frowned upon by almost every man in this world. I however would not put my safety in anyone's hands but my own. I advanced quickly, I needed to be proficient in these weapons to protect him. I would not lose him again. Daggers and a whip were my favorites although I could wield a sword, spear and bow as good as any man. Word had spread of my beauty, or as I say a rich man with only one child, we were in the public eye. A single man with a daughter of marrying age. While he had no problem bedding women, Sirius was unable to have children, he spelled his infertility when he was disowned from the house of black and swore his family line would die out with him. To the public Sirius said that he was looking for a husband for me, but it couldn't be just anyone. Any potential suitors couldn't be in line for a title as I was his heir. We had a plan I would reject all of them leaving the man I called my father no choice but to look for a suitable husband in Westoros. Bastard sons were sent to try and gain my favor. Some of them tried to bed me forcefully or tried to have my father killed. They all lost their heads. On my seventeenth name day we were informed by death (also know as Bobby) that in a years time Jon Snow would be sent to the wall. It was three months before we could embark on the two month journey to Winterfell. One and half moons by ship then another three weeks by horse back. We set sail with three ships under our command. One was purely a merchant vessel the other carried our warriors, and the last ship was manned by elves and only had my father and I on it. I had just switched to the warrior ship for practice when the captain started beating one of my elves in disguise. I quickly slit his throat.
"Let it be known now and here. I and my father do not tolerate abuse of anyone under my houses protection. You will report any abuse to me or my father and we will deal with the person. That person will then lose their head. Do I make myself clear." Yes my lady was heard from everyone. "Good that was your final and only warning now get this filth off of my ship." I cleaned my blade. A few of the crew threw the mans body overboard. Then began spear practice. Some of my warriors were unsullied until we bought and freed them, meaning they were some of the best warriors alive. Men who had been trained since childhood to do nothing but kill.
"My lady, we are two days till the coast of the north. Your fathers ship will be docking first I suggest you reboard before they get to far away." The new captain said carefully.
"Yes that would probably be best, thank you captain." I smiled at the older man he was the ex-captains first mate, and to my opinion and all around better person.
I went to the crows nest and notched my arrow. Tied to the arrow was a rope. I took my aim and released, the arrow hit its mark on the other ships crows nest, where it was securely tied so I could swing over. I gave the bow to my elf and jumped. The first time I did this everyone but Father was panicking. He thought it was a fantastic prank. But I loved the wind in my face it reminded me of flying, it was one of the only things I missed from our old world. But one day I would be able to fly again, Mipsy an elf with an affinity for animals had brought a bag full of dragon eggs and one basilisk egg, none but the basilisk egg had hatched yet. She was currently at home protecting our land. Before I knew it we had docked at Widows Watch. We bought a large carriage for the female servants and horses for me and father. Two wagons pulled by mules carried enough provisions for a month thanks to well placed charms.
The journey was hard and cold. But I knew he would be worth it. Before leaving we sent a messenger hawk to warn them of our arrival.

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