16. The Letters She Wrote Part 2

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[The second part]

Historia's Pov:

Watching everyone read the letter from (Y/n) is upsetting. Why would Ymir leave? I opened the letter just like everyone else did so I could see what (Y/n) wrote.

Dear Historia...

Spending time with you were peaceful. You are so sweet and caring. Thank you for always taking care of me when I'm injured. I hope I wasn't a pain in the ass.

Meeting you for the first time made me realized that I was jealous of you. Why? You may ask. The reason was that because you were so beautiful and yet so confident. You bring the goodness out of everyone, even if you don't see it.

Hopefully you and Ymir will work everything out once this whole chaos is done. Please take care of everyone if they ever come back injured.

Along with that make me some new tea with beautiful herbs. I know you can do that. Pranking me was fun for me. That one day where you smashed pie all over my face and you were scared for your life, I actually loved it. You always made me have positive thoughts.

You already know where this letter is going. I will miss you along with Ackerman operation. Stay out of trouble.

Goodbye, Historia.

Mikasa's Pov:

I looked over to Historia to see that she was wiping her tears off with a napkin. Was that letter really that sad? There's only one way of knowing.

Dear Mikasa...

I could think of so many ways to tell you how grateful I am for you. When you introduced yourself to me I thought that I was going to be so scared of you and keep my distance. But I'm glad that was wrong.

Training with you was one of my favorite things to do. My favorite time with you was when we both had a mission together and it ended really good. That was one of the best missions that I had ever succeeded.

Protect Eren, you know how he gets at times. Use your skills to protect everyone. I believed that the time we spent weren't fake. It was amusing to see your hatefulness for Levi.

You will be taking my spot for dangerous missions. Plus you're more fit for that than I am. Who knows, I might come back surprising all of you and bite you all in the ass for what you did.

You never fail to impress me. You master at everything. I kind of wanted to be like you, strong and beautiful.

Thanks for believing in me when Levi didn't. It was comforting. Plus you know we're not done with planning a prank on him.

Goodbye, Mikasa.

"Now I could see why Historia cried," I sighed rubbing my eyes. You better come back (Y/n) and when you do I'll beat your ass for leaving. You hear me?

Armin's Pov:

The letters that (Y/n) wrote for us is leaving an impact on them. I never really thought this would happen on Levi's birthday. I knew I wasn't ready.

Dear Armin, my Coconut Boy...

When I had hacked into the agency for the first time. The only thing that stood out was your shy voice. I thought it was cute. You stuttering and being imitated by Levi when he was mad that I killed his two employees. Tell him that I'm sorry for that.

On top of that you were the first person to ever find my tracks, impressed I was. When you had greeted me for the first time I had thought "So this was the smart boy, Huh?".

I knew you were scared of me from the start but I'm glad you opened up to me whenever you felt like something was bothering you. It made me all joyful knowing that you depended on me.

I'm sorry for threatening you when you had found out that I knew. I wasn't thinking clearly. I don't hate you Armin, so stop thinking that. I know how you are.

Use your smarts to help take down bad agencies. You're the most suitable for those type of jobs. Mr. Ackerman had told me that you were better than me, when I was hacking into a building for a mission.

He was right. He would always compare you to me. He was actually applauding you for the stuff you do. Like a proud father. Crazy right?

Even though you were better than me I wanted to improve on my skills. Stupid right? I wanted to be seen as smart as you and recognized.

Can't believe you'll be taking away my job for hacking. Please do way better than me. I'll be counting on you.

Goodbye, Armin.

The letter (Y/n) had written for me made a big impact on my heart. I won't let her down. I know she will come back, this time I have to be ready.

Erwin's Pov:

I looked at the time to see it was already 8:30 and I wanted to go home but Hange had insisted to read the letter before leaving. Here goes this.

Dear Big Bro Erwin...

You reminded me a of a good cop while Levi played the bad one. If I hadn't agreed to work with you then I would have been dead. I heard that you knew my parents but I also heard that they died by the hands of you.

I told myself I'm not going to hold a grudge against you. Why? Because you were always seen as my older brother. I thought I had the tiniest crush on you since you were always leading. You were confident, you were smart.

You were everything that anyone would have wanted. But I had told myself that my 'crush' on you was nothing but a silly dream. 

Even though we would argue all the time, I had come to realize that you were always right. But I never wanted to accept the fact that you were a smart ass.

You acknowledged my skills and what I was capable of, Thank you. It had been a long time where someone had actually cared for me when seeing me for who I am.

Our sister brother duo is inseparable. Even though we all have to agree that I had the better looks. 

But was lying the only option you could think of Erwin? I know you better than that. Instead of lying you could of at least gave me a tiny hint even though I'm not good with clues.

Please find someone really good to be Mr. Ackermans assistant. I wasn't the right one for the job. 

I could never hate you. There's something where I couldn't dislike you. No matter what, you would always be seen as my big brother. 

Thank you for the past years we've spent. They were admirable.

Goodbye, Erwin.

How could she not hate me? I caused this to happen in the first place. She's still going to be his assistant. If I ever see her again I'll scold her. 

I'm glad I read the letter. Thank you little sis.


A/n: Sorry for posting late. And as you can see Levi is last. Best for last. I really tried to have the motivation to write yesterday but I was just sick sick. 

I'm feeling a lot better today so why not write a new chapter. Thank you all for being patient. :) Until next time.

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