Chapter 3

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"So what do you suggest Mr. Giovanni?" Lia said as she looked at the disheveled man in front of her "I think you should try and work things out with Mason, as for Alice she is a disposable useless girl that doesn't matter to me and my family I already talked to Mason he is willing to fix things so what do you say?"----"As tempting as that offer is my answer is a no, the only reason you are here today is because you know that your company is practically dead without me.......isn't that the main reason why you were so anxious for us to get married well now you can transfer that anxiety to our divorce."

"Lia I understand that what Mason did is wrong but you are overreacting just suck up your pride and go back to your husband already!"-----"WOW short temper, well if you are always in charge at your house or in your bathroom when you tell the toilet when to flush this aint your bathroom nor is it your house so please leave I'm done talking to you.....tell Mason court date is coming up and the Alimony is really high adultery is a very bad thing so hire your best attorney because I'm coming for war"

"Lia try to understand you cant destroy an entire company because of one person's Mistake" He said in a defeated tone "So now you want to be nice, as much as I am proud of you for sucking up your pride  but nothing will change my mind so please leave."------"Okay I'll leave, see you in court."

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