Chapter 6

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"What do you mean you dont wanna go to court?"Zeke asked his eldest son
"Dad Lia is a freaking maniac I cant go to court against her? We can just have a normal divorce like non rich people do"
"Mason dont you understand the gravity of what you are saying, if you dont go to court Lia might aswell get all your money dont you understand that?"

"I know Dad but I'm not going to court" Mason said as he seethed at his father

"Tu piccolo stronzo vuole rovinarti la vita perché hai paura di una puttana Pensavo di averti cresciuto meglio di così".(You little asshole you want to ruin your life because you're afraid of a whore. I thought I raised you better than that.")

"Papà, devi ammettere che questa volta la nostra famiglia ha fatto un casino, so di non essere stato il miglior marito per Lia, quindi almeno lasciami essere un buon ex". (Dad, you have to admit that this time our family screwed up, I know I wasn't the best husband for Lia, so at least let me be a good ex.)
Mason put his emotions out there making himself very vulnerable in front of the nonchatalent Zeke Giovanni

"Why the sudden change of heart Mason?" What happened just yesterday you were planning her destruction now you want to be good to her why?"

"Perché lei è incinta di mio figlio papà, mentre io ero con Alice a darle tutto quello stress che stava inconsapevolmente portando in grembo il bambino per cui stavamo litigando, il bambino è nel suo grembo proprio ora se non fossi mai andato da Alice potrei un padre per il figlio di mia moglie ma non posso devo almeno darle qualcosa che si merita"(Because she is pregnant with my son dad, while I was with Alice giving her all that stress that she was unknowingly carrying the baby we were fighting over, the baby is in her womb right now if I never went to Alice I could have a father for my wife's son but I can't at least give her something she deserves) he
paused for a second "I know  I'm way past my relationship with Lia but she needs anything that can lighten her mood at this point anything."He said almost sincerely as his father looked at him in awe
"And who told you that she is pregnant?" Zeke said completely unphased by what Mason said "Because we can use this in court Mason we'll say she cheated on you and that the child is out of wedlock?"
"What Dad you dont expect me to Lie about Lia do you now?"He frantically raked his hand through his hair "I cant do that and Miranda told and she said Lia is really hurting, I still Love her Dad but I'll leave her alone for her own good and I'm done talking about this!"he finally walked away and found a frantic Alice in the passageway her eyes red and her cheeks tear stained "You're still in love with Lia, really Mason after everything you still love her" she looked Mason square in the eyes as she said   "Ti odio, maledico il giorno che ti ho incontrato.".(hate you, I curse the day I met you)

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