Chapter 5

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Lia was at her house still trying to register her pregnancy when she heard her sister Miranda enter the house and start ascending the spiral flight of stairs. In a state of panic Lia tried to hide the test from sight but Miranda was coming up fast so she just put it under her pillow.
"Lia are you okay?, you didnt come for work today Dad is worried"Miranda said as she casually walked into her sisters room, and she found Lia frantically trying to wipe away her tears "H-Hi Miranda I was ac-actually going to call you, to have some late night gossip"she said choking on the last words "Lia come on please talk to me Im your sister" "Miranda relax Im fine its just something came up, but im fine"
"What came up Lia? You arent crying over Mason that much is obvious, whats bothering you?"she asked in a worrying tone
"Miranda I dont know how you are going to take this but-Im Pregnant and i know its Masons kid and I cant stand the thought of a Piece of him growing inside me, It disgusts me how did this even happen we barely saw eachother  the past couple of weeks."she said as miranda tried to process what her sister had just told her
"Miranda I am freaking pregnant and I have to go to court tomorrow and Insult the father of my child in front of everyone because another woman is carrying his child too"
"Lia Listen to me, you are a fighter you can get through this though its going to be hell but go out there and show the Giovannis and the world that women kick butt, and the reason why you have been so successful in a land of coperate Men, Imagine how many girls and boys you will inspire through this, you are no longer fighting for yourself and yourself only, you have a baby to think about now. What kind of life do you want the kid to live when its born?"
"Youre right Miranda, I need to put Mason in his place"

 What kind of life do you want the kid to live when its born?""Youre right Miranda, I need to put Mason in his place"

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