6. Lies

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AN Edit: I am fed up of editing all my work. It is 2:40am and I have to wake up at 7:00am. But ima continue, I shall get this done!


Alex sat in a massive room (cabin71 sectionB) it was one of the infirmary rooms and included four beds with patients laying in each. The walls were surprising not white like literally every hospital, in fact they were wooden and created a cosy feeling once in. But the sheets and tables and chairs were white and hygienically sterilized regularly.

Heart monitors were connected to the unconscious K-Unit members excluding Alex. The monitors beeped slightly out of pace with each other creating some very annoying sounds that could give Alex tinnitus in the exact tune.

Alex commented to the doctor looking after the rest of his unit that the heart rate monitors were hardly necessary but the doctor insisted and the teen left it as that.

The doctor didn't leave Alex a name to call him by. The man didn't ask for names nor made much of a conversation to get out of the section of people known to Alex as strangers.

4 beds were pushed up on one side of the room and 2 others on the left of the opposite side. Alex sat on the right of the side with 2 beds and fell asleep at one point, you can't blame him as he was sitting there for more than hours.

When he awoke again his back ached from his adopted uncomfortable position he gained in the hard plastic chair whilst sleeping.

It was now roughly half past four in the afternoon and Eagle began to stir, starting with a grunt before slowly bringing his left arm up to his forehead and leaving it there.

In the next couple of moments, Wolf and Snake shortly followed in almost copying Eagle's exact movements.

They lay like that with Alex tiredly watching until in the next minute when Walrus awoke and opened his eyes immediately before squeezing them tightly shut and then blinked his eyes eyes open getting bigger lifts every time to help himself adjust to the brightness.

Across the room, Eagle and Wolf had sat up but Snake remained lying down wisely as he had a hunch that if he sat up, like the others, he would have a head ache.

Walrus pushed himself up and rested his eyes on Alex

"What happened?" He asked in a sore voice, Walrus them licked his lips trying to collect more saliva in his mouth.

When no reply came after a few seconds, Eagle impatiently spoke up "Yeah, Cub what happened? You're not in a bed like us-"

"No s**t Sherlock." Alex muttered

Eagle continued "so you must know what happened."

"Well... what do you remember?"

"Arriving back from the mess hall." Eagle replied, Alex looked at the others with a 'same for you?' look and got nods in return.

The teen thought carefully for a lie to produce as quick as possible, when he finally got one he waited no time to say it "the panel that runs all the way along the cabin fell onto you, I was already at my bed and witnessed it." He paused before continuing with a sentence that would make the whole thing more believable "Within the time you were out, they managed to replace the panel back up and more sturdy that before."

"How long were we out for?" Wolf asked he felt his head for a lump to check Alex had been telling somewhat the truth and he found a lump on the his forehead just a bit back in his hairline. This had been created when he fainted and smacked his head onto a near bed.

Alex looked at the wall clock hanging behind Wolf's bed out of sight from the team leader and did quick maths despite being achy and tired "9 and a half hours-ish."

"S**t we missed a lot of training." Wolf muttered and pulled himself off the bed shortly copied by the rest of the unit and Alex stood up off his chair and stretched his back a bit.

K-Unit walked out of cabin71 with permission from the unnamed doctor and ran almost straight into their new instructor (under some sort of cover it was John Rider)

"Sorry, sir!" Wolf stood to attention along with his unit.

"At ease soldiers." John said "nice to meet you unit...?" He asked

"K, sir, we are K-Unit." Wolf answered

"Right, errr yes. I'm your knew instructor and your supposed to call me Intructor Maleu or Sir but just call me Edd or Teddy if you prefer." John said, easygoing.

"Thanks Edd!" Eagle exclaimed, barely able to control his excitement over the new instructor "I'm Eagle!"

"I'm Wolf." K-unit's leader remarked. He was standing tall and hands straight beside him. Wolf gestured to the medic "that's snake." then he waved a hand at Walrus "and Walrus." But he forgot Alex, who was standing at the back.

Alex came around the side of the group so he could be seen "Hi, I'm Jaguar but you can call me Jag. Wolf? Did you forget I existed or hoped I didn't exist?" He crossed his arms and got a gruff hmph from his leader.

John looked down at the 5 foot 6, 15 year old boy and smiled mentally. Jaguar had been his name whilst he was training here. Come to think of it, Jaguar looked familiarly like he was supposed to be a part of the 'Rider' family but quickly dismissed the thought as Wolf spoke up

"I prefer to call you by your old name."

"And what's that?" John asked

"Cub. My old code-name was cub." Alex answered

Eagle smiled and ruffled Alex's hair, then got his hand pushed off and twisted behind his back in a half-nelson move.

"Don't do that Eagle. Don't ever do that again." Alex whispered into the bird-brain's ear.

"Awww, but cubbikins, I like the name Cub. You're our Cub." Eagle said.

Alex had let Eagle go and regretted doing so, so quickly.

Eagle took one look at the youngster's facial expression and hurried on with more conversation. "Ok, ok... Jaguar it is. How are you settling in Teddy? What are you going to be teaching us? How much are you good at? How did you get so good?"

John smiled "good thanks, I'll be teaching you a load of different things that I'm reasonably good at and practice is how I got good." He turned his look on Alex again and stared into the cold, emotionless, unforgiving and tortured soul of the teen's hardened brown eyes before nodding at them and muttering a 'see you tomorrow for training, 'night." and headed off to cabin 54.

K-unit trailed off to Cabin 11 each wondering (except cub) why their new instructor looked very alike to Alex.

Author's end note

That was short but seeing as its almost midnight and I have a long day tomorrow, I'm going to go sensibly to sleep.

Thanks for reading this chapter.

Have an awesome day

Edit: 😂 seems like I wrote this story at a late time as well as editing it at a late time

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