Prompt 1

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Prompt : "Your eyes are really pretty."
"I could kiss you right now." "You're very welcome to do it."

Words : 1358

Notes : idk what I'm going with in this but I'm probably just overthinking lol. enjoy.

You sat in the corner of the room, fiddling with your knives and sharpening your arrows, eyes never leaving them as you listen in on the Queen and Missandei's conversation. The girl spoke 19 languages, and you agree with the Queen. How can anyone speak 19 languages? You muss over it in your head, deciding to leave it after a moment and shaking your head. If that were you, you'd have read thousands of books without a hassle. You make a note to yourself to ask her to teach you one someday.

"Are your knives so interesting, Charlie?" You lifted your head at her question, quickly dropping them down again. Daenerys has gotten out of her bath- when did that happen? - and is now standing before you, naked as the day she was born. You could feel your face heating up and you were sure the tip of your ears has gone red. "No, your Grace." You answered simply.

The silver haired Queen couldn't help but smile in amusement. "Do you know it is rude not to make eye contact while making a conversation?" She asked. Dropping your knife, you stood up and your eyes met her violet ones. The purple blending with a little blue around the edges, you decided you gave never seen prettier eyes. "Your eyes are really pretty." Daenerys raised her eyebrow in question. Her lips curled up in a small smile. "Is that so?" You nodded your head, and in a moment your eyes wandered down, but you looked away as soon as it happened and pretended you didn't see anything. She chuckled, turned her head and Missandei came with her robes, helping her slip it on.

The dark skinned girl smiled at you knowingly when she met your eyes, making you squint yours at her. You turned your back to them and picked up your arrows, moving past them to put it by the entrance of the tent. When you were about to get up, suddenly a hand clasped over your mouth and a dagger is held at your throat. Daenerys and Missandei both snapped their heads at your gasp, their eyes widening at the sight. Before the intruder could say anything, you elbowed him on his ribs, your hand quick in disarming him as you kick the back of his knee, and now you were the one holding his own dagger on his neck.

"I mean no harm!" He said with urgency in his tone. You furrowed your eyebrows. You knew that voice. He slowly removed his helmet, showing a familiar face. Daario Naharis. You slowly lower the weapon while looking at Daenerys, while not putting it away. She looked at you before moving her eyes back at the man in front of her. "What do you want?" she asked. He looked at her and smiled. "You." They stared at each other for a minute.

"You were sent here to kill me." He nodded. You snorted, "That didn't work out well." His eyes hardened at your words. "I don't want to." He got up and poured out the content of his bag to the floor. Two heads rolled out of it, his captains. Daenerys' eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Why?" He smiled again, "We had philosophical differences." "Over what?" "Your beauty." You rolled your eyes.

"You're a strange man." You stated out loud as you walked to stand beside the Queen. "Why would I trust a man who murdered his comrades?" She asked, eyes never moving from the man. He explained how they asked him to kill her, but he did not want to, "They drew their swords, I drew mine," he said. You were a little impressed by his courage, going up against his captains. only a little. There was a pregnant pause in the room before the Queen spoke again. "Will you fight for me?" he nodded, and she steps towards him. "Swear to me."

He kneeled in front of her and swore to her, "My sword is yours, my life is yours, my heart is yours." Your raised your eyebrows at his last statement, you look to your left to find Missandei with the same expression, though she thinks hers lack the jealousy that you have in your eyes.


The next morning came and you found yourself in a room discussing on how to enter Yunkai and take the city down. Daario explained his plans, but Ser Jorah doesn't seem to trust him. "You have a very suspicious mind. In my experience, only dishonest people think this way." You turned your head at Daario and then looked at Daenerys, then back at him again. "I'm going with you." The Targaryen snapped her head at your direction, not believing her ears. Jorah nodded, "Another sword doesn't hurt, a quick one might be useful." You can't believe he agreed with you. "But," You sighed at that word. "Is it wise for you to leave the Queen?" He questioned.

You paused, before looking at her, "She will have Ser Barristan with her. it will only take a few hours." He, too, widened his eyes in surprise. Everyone who knows you, knows that you never leave Daenerys' side, unless faced with no other choice. But you volunteering is a sight they never thought they'll see. You held the Queen's gaze as if asking permission, though she is reluctant, she knows she can't forbid you from going. She sighed and nodded, before asking Grey Worm of his thoughts and you can only make out some words. He trusts Daario. Daenerys made a decision, "You leave tonight."

Everyone stepped out of the room while you lingered at the back, waiting until it's just you and Daenerys in the room. You didn't miss the slight eye contact between her and Daario and the small curl of her lips. "You like him." Your question sounded more like a statement. She looked at you and turned to face you. "Pardon?" "Daario. You like him." You repeated, a frown setting on your face. She searched your eyes, and you can see a hint of amusement in hers. "Are you jealous?" She asked with a little laugh. Your eyes widened, "What? of course not! Why would I be?" You asked her back. The sight of you panicking in front of her sends another laugh out of her. Calming down, she folded her arms and decided to mess with you. "Oh? Well then, yes, I like him."

She did not expect herself to be pinned to the table behind her, your arms trapping her between them as you leaned yourself towards her. Your noses are almost touching and you can feel each other's breaths as you stared into her eyes. "I could kiss you right now." You whispered to her. She gulped but still managed to answer. "You are very welcome to do it." That made you raise your brow and a smirk formed on your lips, "What happened to you liking Daario Naharis?" Her eyes never left yours, but she can hear the smirk in your question. She didn't answer, instead moving her eyes to your lips briefly and leaned forward, heart beating in her ears.

A moment of confidence surged out of you as you leaned and pecks the corner of her mouth before leaning down and kissing her neck before she could react. A gasp left her but she didn't ask to stop, instead lifting her head as permission. Your hands found her waist as you pulled her closer and she holds onto your arms to steady herself.

It ended as fast as it began, leaving you flustered at the sight of her as she let out a shaky exhale, eyes still closed. "I don't want you to go." She said, her voice hushed as if anyone could hear her words. Your eyes soften at her words and she opened her eyes, violet orbs staring back at you. She let go of your arms and placed her hands on your cheeks, leaning her head forward until it touched yours. "Come back to me."

You smiled as you grip her wrists and turn your head sideways to kiss her palm, "Always."

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