A Joust For Your Hand?

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Words : 3.7k+

Summary : You dread the day she finds someone else. But is that something worth worrying about? At all?

Warning (s) : suggestive themes?? Daario being annoying.

[requested by anons]


"Your grace."

"My Queen." You fought the urge to roll your eyes as Daario Naharis bowed dramatically beside you, keeping your demeanor impassive as you stood straight, catching the eyes of no other than the Queen. There was a glint in her violet orbs, a subtle pull at the edge of her lips when she noticed your distaste for the man currently chasing after her affection.

You tried to pay him no mind, drawing her attention onto you fully as you went after battle strategies on ways to take over Yunkai while the aggravating man kept on making severely inappropriate hints to Daenerys, who'd only sent him an amused smile each time he winked her way. She was enjoying the newfound attention from the man that gave her a whole army of the Second Sons, and you couldn't help but find him irritating for the sole reason of his cockiness.

It was no surprise that he knew the ways into the city, like he'd sneaked in so many times - you refused to let them take it down without you, much to Daenerys' protests. Better to keep your eyes on him, even if that meant leaving her behind; Barristan would do well in keeping her safe. After all, the old man seemed to be doing fine despite your relentless challenges upon his abilities.

"One sight of trouble, come back to me." Her hushed words were directed to you only, far away from curious ears and nosy presence of the group who'd taken post outside the tent before leaving. There was desperation in her pleading gaze and you couldn't help but crack a smile, one that you shot down as soon as you realized the speck of blush on her cheeks, lips turned upward and mirroring yours. Such a smile that pulled at the edge of her eyes and your heartstrings at the same time, one that sent your world crumbling down as you remembered you weren't the only one receiving it.

"You're doubting me, Your Grace?" Even with your fake offense, her grin didn't subside, knowing your tendency of teasing her with a straight face - most people always found it odd, not registering your attempt at cracking jokes in the middle of training or discussion. Daenerys decided it would be unacceptable to have one meeting without your terrible jokes.

She shook her head as she brushed off the imaginary dust on your shoulder, "I doubt your self-control," You raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence at her innuendo. "Don't kill him." It was more a command than a request, but Daenerys knew she couldn't stop you if you were to decide otherwise - it would be a great loss, though not one she couldn't overcome.

"Why would I indulge myself in your fury, Khaleesi?" Daenerys hated the way your few words always seemed to draw such pathetic reactions from her, yet she loved it anyway, for the flutters in her chest when you called her by that title was one that made her crave for something better, a higher place only she could reach with you by her side - it made her crave you.

None of those would ever be of knowledge to anyone else, however. Not when you rode off into the dark, raiding a city with a reckless plan she was sure would end up in destruction. Not when her heart anxiously beat faster as the hours ticked by, silence ringing throughout the starry night she otherwise would've enjoyed.

But certainly when she'd became so worried that a single console from Missandei caused her tongue to slip and her mouth to spill out her pent up thoughts.

Daenerys couldn't recall most of the words tumbling out of her throat, only that a laugh emitted from the translator so carefree and amused, both of them paused with wide eyes assessing each other in alarm - Missandei in fear of offending her Queen, and Daenerys in distress over giving away her feelings for her Knight.

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