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Prompt : "Are you an Angel?"

Notes : hi! I realised that people don't usually write thAt long for prompts lmao.. but enjoy anyways-

Warnings : um.. making out (is that a warning?), bad writing :) there's literally no plot rip

Words : 1782


You twirl your sword in your left hand, eyes focusing on your opponent, letting him pick up his own sword from where you threw it off. "You're getting slow, old man." Your remark earned you a playful glare from Jorah. You were enjoying this far too much. The two of you stood in a clearing that you managed to find, snow covered trees surrounding it.

You were supposed to be accompanying the Queen on her meetings with the people of Winterfell, whoever they were. But there was nothing but arguments and you got tired of it. Missandei and Grey Worm would surely keep her safe for the time being while you stole Ser Jorah to spar with you.

It has been a nice distraction, keeping your mind from thinking about your silver haired Queen. and how she's spending a lot of time with Jon Snow. Time she used to spend with you. I mean, of course, she needs him to make relations with the north, but still. Not that you're jealous. She can spend her time with anyone she wanted to. She's a Queen, for fuck's sake. Your fingers clenched the hilt of your sword, annoyed with yourself for wanting her time. It's not like you're any of importance to her. Yes, you were skilled in a lot of things, but you could easily be replaced by others, hence why you're not with her right now.

A hand to your shoulder pulled you from your thoughts, and your eyes met with concerned ones. "You okay?" Jorah asked, frowning at your visible distress. "You zoned out for a bit there." You huffed out a breath and scolded yourself mentally. "I'm fine," You sighed. "I think that's enough for now." You said, sheathing your sword. Your eyes wandered to the trees around you, your head snapping at the roars of the dragons in a far distance.

You smiled as an idea came to your mind, making a small run to your horse, you pet it for a moment before getting on it. "Where are you going?" The question reminded you of the man standing beside you. "Let's check on the dragons!" His eyes widened. "Absolutely not." You deflated. "Why not?" He shook his head and sighed. "With the Queen, sure. But alone?" His eyes screamed everything no. Before you could response however, another roar was heard and you forgot about his words. You looked at him, shrugged your shoulders and smiled, getting your horse ready once more before shouting, "See you at dinner!" and off you go to where the dragons rest.


Daenerys sighed for the umpteenth time as she walked to her bedchambers. It had been an exhausting day, the people of the North still doesn't seem pleased at Jon for bending the knee, but plans had to be made about Kings Landing. She needs to win the people before she could have their total support and loyalty, she knows that. Which is why she's trying her hardest to be present in helping them rebuild their home.

Her already bad day got worse when she realized that you had not been there to accompany her. You had always been with her in every meeting she ever attended, but she noticed you had been absent in several since she came to Winterfell. She can't help but miss your company. She also knows she's been busy- even if you're with her, she doesn't interact much with you as she was occupied with her duties and the thought made her guilty. She's been neglecting you.

Everyone close to her knows that you're more than a guard to her, even more than a friend but no one knows where the line draws between friends and something more. Even seeing her without you by her side seems strange. Her exhaustion forgotten, she set on a mission to find and spend some time with you. Fixing her dress robes, she turned around and walked out, only to see Ser Jorah standing at the end of the hall. "Your Grace," He greeted. "Where are you off to?" She smiled at him, "Have you seen Charlie?"

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