CHAPTER 4 |Unexpected|

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Jay's POV

I kissed her soft pale skin gently. She moaned under me and wrapped her hands around my neck. Her little moans turned me on to the point of no returning. I needed this woman with all of my heart. Her dark hazel eyes showed passion and desire.

I sucked on her neck to leave my mark on her skin. I wanted to possess this luscious body and make her mine. I moved down, trailing kisses down her collarbone until I reached her bre—

''Dad, dad! Wake up!'' I heard Eric calling me. I opened my eyes and sighed. Just a dream. It was just a dream. F*ck!
''What it is, Eric?'' I asked, sitting up in my bed.
''It's already 9 a.m. and we are hungry.'' He whined. I totally forgot that today is Saturday and they have no school.
''I'm coming. Go in the kitchen.'' I said.

He ran out of my room as I got up to wash myself. I showered and put on some sweatpants and T-shirt. I dragged myself down to see my kids both waiting for me in the kitchen. They must be very hungry.

''Did you brush your teeth?'' I asked.
''Yes. Did you?'' Ella asked me.
''Of course I did. I'm already a grown up man.'' I cringed. What kind of question was that? Kids.
''What do you want me to make you for breakfast?''
''Pancakes.'' They said in unsion.

I made their requested pancakes and put them in the each plate for us. I poured chocolate syrup over pancakes and they digged in as soon as they saw pancakes being done.
''What are we going to do for a weekend?'' I asked them.
''We can go to the theme park.'' Ella squealed and jumped in her chair.
''Okay, whatever you say.'' I shrugged.

After they finished, I stayed to wash the dishes. My thoughts drifted off to the woman I was with two months ago. The time passed so fast, but I still can't forget about it. It's like my body and mind wants to see more of her. I just don't understand my feelings that are confusing me. What has she done to me? Why do I want to see her again?

Finishing up with the dishes, I cleaned up the kitchen and got upstairs. I dialled Greg's number.
''Hey, man! What's up?'' He asked.
''The ceiling.'' I chuckled.
''Now you are telling dad jokes.'' He laughed. He said that like I'm an old man. But I'm not...yet.
''Why did you call me?'' He asked.

''To ask you if you want to come with us to the theme park.'' I said.
''Sure. I was getting bored anyway.'' He said. He is rich and womanizer who doesn't do anything except signing the contracts. It's better if he hangs out with us for a while.
''Cool then. Do you want me to pick you up later?'' I suggested.

I went to Eric's room where I usually find Ella too. Eric was reading her something and it made me proud of my kids. What did I do to deserve such angels? I knocked on the door and entered the room.
''Can I join you?'' I asked. They nodded and scooted over in the bed. I sat next to Ella and put my legs up.

''What are you reading?'' I curiously asked.
''Beyond the bright sea. You bought it for me for my birthday last year.'' Eric said.
''Oh, I remember. Do you like it now?'' I asked. When I went to the book store, the lady then suggested me that book for 9 year olds. So I bought it because I knew Eric likes reading.
''I do. It's a good book.'' He said.
''I like it too.'' Ella said.

He was reading some more and set the book down. They both cuddled into my chest as I wrapped my arms around them. Thank God, for the blessing I have in my life.
''Dad?'' Eric called me. I hummed in response as a cue to ask me what he wants.
''Did you like someone before mom?'' He asked me. I looked at him and caressed his hair.
''I did. But that was in high school. And I could say I just had a crush on her.'' I explained.
''How did you feel then?''

''I was happy everytime I saw her. And I wanted to protect her from bad guys. I would always think about her when I wouldn't see her.'' I said. It was good to reminisce good times. I remember that I parted ways with her when we went to the college. I heard from her few years ago. She got married in a different country.
''Why are you asking me that?'' I asked curiously. Does this young man have a crush on someone?

''He likes Brielle from his class, dad.'' Ella blurted out.
''Shut up, Ella!'' Eric said pushing her.
''Hey, no fighting.'' I warned. Ella frowned at her brother's behaviour.
''I said the truth.'' She mocked him.
''Ella, stop teasing him. It's not embrassing to have a crush.'' I said.

''If you like her, ask her to be your friend.'' I chuckled.
''I already did. But she is shy.'' Eric mumbled.
''Then you have to approach her little by little. I'm sure she will like you too.''
''I will. Thanks for the advice.'' He said.
''Anytime. Are we going to the theme park now?'' I beamed.
''Yes!'' They yelled and jumped from the bed.

That was an interesting conversation I had with my kids. I'm very happy when I communicate with them. Working all week and having just one full day with them isn't good enough. I want to spend a lot of time with them. I remember how happy I was when Sara gave a birth to Eric. That day was the happiest day of my life.

After getting dressed up, we went to pick up Greg. Kids were very happy to see him and then we headed to the theme park and had another good time over there.

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