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Angela's POV

Smile made its way on my face when I felt my husband's lips on my bare shoulder. He peppered my shoulder towards my neck with small kisses that I enjoyed. My eyes fluttered open as I turned around to look at his handsome face. He did look incredibly handsome while I was looking like I got attacked by a parrot.

"You're finally up." He smirked. He is happy because he got some last night.

"And you seem very pleased, Mr. Jay." I smirked back.

"Because I am." He said pulling me closer.

"Oh, I know you are." I stated sarcastically.

"I love you." He pecked my lips softly.

"I love you too." I whispered back.


I was making pancakes when kids rushed downstairs. They probably smelled the food and came running here. Eric appeared first and kissed my cheek.

''I will have chocolate pancakes, mom.'' He said as I rolled my eyes. So demanding.

''Any other wishes?'' I asked looking at the rest of them.

''Maple syrup.'' Ella said.

''Bananas and chocolate.'' Emil ordered with the cheeky smile.

''Coming right up. That would be all 10$, please.'' I teased them.

''You're getting funnier, mom. Aging does that to the people.'' Ella said making my jaw drop. I'm still young.

''For your information, I'm 32 years old.'' I said tearing up. That comment about my age really hurt me emotionally.

''Why are you making your mother sad?'' Jay said, coming in the kitchen. He kissed my forehead softly making me melt on the spot.

''Ella said I'm old.'' I said.

''You're not old. You're the sexiest woman I know. Ella, don't lie to her.'' He said making me feel much better. Jay always says the truth and Ella was just joking. But it wasn't a nice joke.

We all sat at the table and I thought it was time to play a game as we ate.
''Let's play something. It will be fun.'' I clapped my hands excitedly. I heard them all sigh, but it didn't bother me.

''Now that you all agreed, let's start. I will tell you a word and you need to point out the first letter of the word, alright?'' They nodded while stuffing their faces with panackes.

''I'll start first. Importance. The letter I. Now Jay. Apollo.'' I smiled.


''Eric. Margarita.''


''Ella. Pineapple.''


''Emil. Rust.''


''Now me. Ear. E.''

''Jay. Geese.''


''Eric. Nasa.''


''Ella. Apple.''


''Emil. Nose.''


''And the last letter is on me. Table. The letter T. Now form three words of those letters. I'll be waiting.'' I smirked.

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