Chapter 6

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A/N Picture of the woods where Theo was first at (yes he came back here)


Theo's POV:

I've never reacted like this, with anyone. I stopped in my tracks to catch my breath. If you were wondering where I ran too, I ran back into the same dark woods, with the same twisty trees, the leaves blocking out the moonlight and the moon itself. It was hard to see it is without everything looking the same no matter where I go. As long as I kept going forward, I was getting further way from him. I hate him, so, so much. I felt something running down my face, I thought it was a leaf floating down however, as I brushed the back of my hand against my cheek, it wasn't a leaf... it was a tear. I was crying. Wait... I was crying?! One tear led to the next until a waterfall of tears came running down my cheeks, my legs buckled and I fell to the floor. Well, I never thought I would ever see you cry Silver stated

Why am I fucking crying!

Its because you have been keeping all of this emotion inside you for years that you couldn't contain it anymore Theo. "Stop crying, stop crying Theo, you're not weak!" I kept repeating to myself, unfortunately I couldn't stop, no matter how hard I tried. "FUCK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I started to crawl towards the tree to lay against it until I calmed down but I was too weak from the amount of crying that my world went black.


Noah's POV:

Can you find him? I asked my wolf form. Theo has run into the woods again and I'm currently in my wolf form trying to find him. I have other wolves trying to search for him or even catch his scent. We have been looking everywhere and there is no trace of him anywhere, I was starting to worry. Even though he's an omega he knows how to protect himself but he doesn't know how dangerous these woods have been recently, especially that attach by the rogues we had months ago. I carried on searching slowly getting closer and closer to the border of our territory. "FUCK!" Who the fuck was that?! I thought to myself and I swiftly started running towards the source, I was panting by how long I was running for until I saw who the source of the scream was. It was Theo. I sighed in relief; I was so happy that I have found him. Thank Goddess that he isn't dead Shadow commented, yeah... thank the Goddess for protecting him. I never realised that I had a smile on my face. I shifted back into my human form and gently nudged him... he wasn't moving. My heart started beating and 1000 miles per hour when his body was lifeless... I slowly turned him over so his face was looking up at the sky. I moved my head closer to his face and to my relief I could feel his hot breath tickling my cheeks. As I studied his face, I saw his face was a little wet... has he been, crying?! Interesting... I gently picked up Theo bridal style and started to head back to the pack house, I mind linked the other wolves that he has been found and to return to the pack house and rest for the rest of the night.

I took us a while to finally arrive back but I was still looking at the sleeping boys face. I say Katie and Axel rush towards me as I emerged from the woods with Theo in my arms and his head resting against my chest. Even though my face wasn't showing any emotion, I was felt guilty for my reaction towards him and I was worried that I was the one that made him break down. I brought him inside and carried him into one of the spare rooms and tucked him in with the covers, obviously I made sure that someone changed him into something warmer instead of those old rags he was wearing. I sat there at the edge of the bed watching him for a bit, yes, I know bit creepy but I just couldn't help the guilt that was bubbling inside me. I just wanted it to go away. I've never really been able to take in what Theo really looks like, but sitting here right now makes me able to see what he really looks like. He had nice blond hair that I wanted to just feel, of course I did a bit and it was really soft, his long eyelashes and his soft-looking skin, his skinny, toned body gives a lot away about him, like that he doesn't work out but he looks like he stays active. He looked so peaceful sleeping and I wanted it to keep it like that. I got up and closed the door behind me to be stared at by Katie. "Yes, Katie?"

"I was very surprised that you care about him"

"who? Theo?"

"No Adam the non-existent wolf in our pack... of course Theo?!" The sarcasm was dripping from her mouth that it made me chuckle a bit.

"Only a little bit"

"I knew it!" She squealed

"Scream any louder and you will wake him" As quick as hear squealing a hand slapped across her mouth and we were surround by silence. Katie was about to speak up again but I stopped before she could.

"I need your help with something Katie..."

A/N This chapter was longer than i have expected but I am still trying to make them longer, dw.

Thanks for reading and I wonder what Noah needs Katie's help with... find out in the nect chapter.

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