Chapter Eight

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The ball was underway, it was a long week of hard work and preparation, but Bethany was happy to see it come together.

Bethany and her mother had the great honor of serving amongst the guests.

Bethany watched with deep hunger, eyes darting here and there. Everyone was so exquisite, dressed in the finest fabrics in all the land. Amazement shone on her face. She couldn't take her eyes off of those on the dance floor. There were many in attendance, from Kings south of Eldore, and west. Prince and princess, Ladies and Lords. Who wasn't here? Bethany thought to herself.

Soft music flowed through the ballroom. The band hired for the occasion, playing so magnificent. She had not heard such a beautiful tune before.

"Darling," her mother petted her cheek. "You can't get distracted. We got many guests that need tending to. When Princess Kathrine needs any kind of assistance, you go ahead and follow Missy to help her out. Understood?" Bethany nodded.

Missy was the older servant that took care of the serious stuff. Bethany waited on her with a towel ready, or any other supplies needed to prepare the princess for the day.

The day when the prince and her escaped to the meadows, she came back and was ordered to serve the princess. She found her in a terrible state. Her and Missy didn't know what to do. They found Princess Kathrine crying. Inconsolable.

Since then, Bethany has felt pity for her. Hasn't thought a single bad thought toward her. After all, that day with the prince showed that even the royals have tough days.

He spoke of his father wanting him to follow his footsteps exactly. Ronald disagreed with how he ruled the country, though he dared not to speak his thoughts to his father. The King in his anger, often made Ronald feel indifferent. As though he wasn't loved by him.

It is only because he would take the throne after him, that his father was proud of him. Maybe happy at times with him.

But that was it. Security. That's what his father loved about him. His future is secure in his son.

So Bethany took her sister's advice, and was careful to treat her future queen. Bethany was especially kind and did her best to comfort her. Though she didn't dare ask what had happened to Kathrine. The whole time they prepared her for bed she never looked up from the ground.

Later Bethany told her mother about that, and mother got all sad. She too, felt for the girl.

A very nice dressed gentleman came up to mother. Interrupting her thoughts of the princess, bringing her back to the present moment. The man was well dressed, and had a decorated sash across his shoulder. Showing his status as King. He didn't seem happy with her mother. Bethany watched their interaction.

"What are you doing here?" The king she didn't recognize, seemed dark with fury. Bethany shivered to her bones.

"I'm serving the king and queen." Her mother said in the same measured tone. Bethany didn't dare move or breath for fear of them noticing her.

"If my wife sees you here, she will be enraged." He said in a threatening manner.

"Now that's not my problem is it? You were just as much to blame as I was." Bethany didn't know what her mother meant by that, but she kept watching them. They kept going back and forth. Bethany picked up that he was King of Iris. Princess Kathrine's father. Bethany's brows rose. Her mother spoke to him as though he were a commoner.

Her mother knew him personally? And talked to him like that? Wow, Bethany thought. Turns out she didn't know her mother well. This was a side she had never seen before. Around anyone else she was kind and gentle, assuring no one would get spoken to harshly. Teaching Bethany to do the same. So this came as a surprise to Bethany.

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