Chapter Twenty-Six

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The night had passed with much tossing and turning. As the night wore on, Bethany replayed every conversation, every look cast at her. Every word said in secret, whispered in her wake.

Morning came. The sun peaked out through the clouds ever so often, and birds chirped. Sounds of light rain pattering on the walk below her open window, filled her otherwise silent room.

Bethany sighed, as she sank into the chaise lounge in the new room she was appointed. She felt out of place, despite the news she was a somebody, she felt lost. In between both worlds.

Crushed between boredom, and feeling out of place, she kept to her room all morning. Even when his mother invited her to dine with her for breakfast. She wasn't hungered the slightest. In fact, since the feast, she was unable to eat a single bite.

The curious stares, the questions from noblemen, noblewomen, haunted her. Who was she? Where did she come from? Even she was beginning to wonder.

Sorrow crushed her heart. She looked out the window and watched as two birds danced in the rain, but just as quickly flew away.

A bell sounded in the far reaches of the King's quarters, pulling Bethany back to present. There was a slight pause when she almost went to answer the call, only to remember all of her duties as a maidservant had been given to someone else.

Wasn't she pleased? Wasn't that what she dreamed about all her life? Wondering what it would be like to live like Ronald did?

A breeze filtered through the cracked open window, picking up the scents from the river below. She breathed in the fresh scent, and a sudden idea came alive.

Bethany longed to ride a horse out to the meadow beyond.

Making up her mind, she dressed in riding attire. She was given some finer clothing by the queen herself, but the queen had commanded a whole new wardrobe be made just for her. It still shocked her.
What would she be able to do, dressed up in elaborate and constricting dresses? It seemed utterly silly. Even the rider's outfit she held in her hand was extravagant enough for her.

Despite misgivings of the functionality of the attire, she dressed herself in it, or at least attempted at it.
For a moment she contended with the dress, trying to secure the attire, and it dawned on her how come the Royal ladies needed assistance in dressing. She awkwardly fumbled with the riding attire, yet still refused to ask anyone for help. In the end she managed on her own.

At last. She breathed a satisfied sigh while she studied her reflection in the mirror.

In an effortless sweep, she had her hair in a high I bun for ease and comfort. Casting another cape upon her shoulders for good measure, she slipped past the guard set at her door, and ran to the end of the king's quarters. But he still noticed her.

Her guard went after her, in haste he called out to her, "Madame, I was told to prepare a maidservant to accompany you wherever you went!" he said in clear distress. Bethany giggled at his concern. She was more than able to go somewhere, unaccompanied. She's done it all her life.

With her back to the guard she waved him off. "I won't be long. Don't worry about me."

He still called after her, but she ran down the corridor with her rider boots clicking loudly, her riding dress dancing in her wake. A single strand of red auburn hair came undone, and she blew it away. She never did get the hang of doing hairstyles. Her mother always chidded her for it.

Once at the bottom, she exited and ran the familiar grounds to the stables. She snuck past the guard out of pure habit.

There she was, a proud strong horse that served Ronald well since he was yet a small boy. A prized possession of his. She neighed when Bethany called out to her. "Hey you. How would you like to go out for a run? I'm sure Ronald had all but forgotten you since his fathers passing. I don't blame him, he is far more busy than before. I hope you understand." She unlatched the gate door just as the stableman came in behind her.

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