Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

On the drive to the Hamptons, I asked Axel everything I can – what to do, what to expect, how to act. And while all my questions were answered, they still did not compare to the actual experience.

As soon as he got out of the car, I heard the sounds of camera flashes, all bright and sudden out the window. He gave the valet the keys and waved at the camera, giving his award-winning smile. I watch how natural he is at this from the inside of the car. How did I ever get to be associated with him?

A mere second later, he turned to open my side of the doors. He offered his hand and nodded, holding some kind of assurance that everything will be okay. I took a deep breath. You can do it, Lauren. And I placed my hand on his and nodded back as if to say I trust you then stood from the car. The cameras became more aggressive.

Don't look at the flash. I remember him saying on the way.

As I walk the red carpet, my heart was beating so fast, I'm afraid I might collapse. He placed his palm on the small of my back, supporting me from the foreign scene before my eyes.

He smiled and waved to the cameras on our left.

That's when it dawned on me that there is no denying that he is made for this. I mean that's what he does for a living – being attractive. Must be nice, not gonna lie, having a career because of the face you were born with. I don't mean it's because their efforts are minimum, I know for a fact that they spend hours in the gym and eating healthy most of the time, but having an innate foundation for a career? Must. Be. Nice.

Somehow, by a miracle, we made it past the entrance.

"See, that wasn't so bad," he said as soon as we stepped on the threshold.

"Because your family included a clause of no questions or comments," I said as we continued to wall in the event lobby.

"Only fair. Who would want to throw a party to be harassed by the press?"

I chuckled, "True."

"Axel?" a man in his mid-50s walked towards us.

"Mr. Nordstrom, how's it going?" Axel shook Mr. Nordstrom's hand.

"Great. A little busy with the business but it's all good. Where's your Dad? I haven't seen him anywhere."

"Oh, I haven't seen him yet too. But I'll be sure to tell him to look for you. Anyhow, this is Lauren Grant. Lauren, meet Erik Nordstrom."

My eyes bulged slightly at the mention of his name.

"Hi," I held my hand out for a shake, which he shook vigorously. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir. You're Erik Nordstrom from Nordstrom, Inc., am I right?"

He chuckled, "That very one." Then curiosity flashed in his eyes, "Say, Grant. From the, uh..." He seems to be concentrating on the right word then he snaps his fingers, "Textile company!"

"Uh, no." I smiled politely.

"Oh, then the, uh, motor oil company." He waved his hand by his head as if me coming from a family with a motor oil company was the most natural thing and that he's so silly to not realize it before.

I moved my mouth, not really sure what to say.

"Brother!" Oliver came from behind and hugged Axel. "Hey, Mr. Nordstrom, nice to see you."

Mr. Nordstrom raised his brows as he smiled, "You too, Oliver. Um, nice to meet you, Lauren." Then he turned to Axel, "I'll see you around."

"Catch up later, Mr. Nordstrom," Axel replied and Mr. Nordstrom walked inside the ball area.

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