Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

The tension was palpable between the three of us. It was eerily silent and I can hear our breaths rise and fall to different rhythms.

Axel scratched the back of his head reading the room. "I'm gonna go?"

"No, stay."

Dean raised his brows in surprise and muttered under his breath, "Unbelievable."

"Axel, please continue the spreadsheet, I'm just gonna go talk to Dean for a while."

Axel nodded and walked back to the kitchen island while I grabbed Dean's arm and dragged him to the living room.

"Bloody hell, Lauren, what is this? Now he's in your flat?" He hissed.

"Let's talk outside."

I tried my best not to slam the door behind me.

"Explain yourself." He demanded.

"Excuse me?"

"What is he doing here? Have you gone mental? You're hanging out with him as if nothing had happened. Do you not remember what he did to you?"

"I do remember."

"Then what is he doing here?"

"I invited him here."

"Oh, really? Well, my apologies for disturbing you two."

"What is it you want, Dean?"

"What is it you want, Dean? Have we really gone to that?"

"I'm asking you a simple question, what do you mean? You came here unannounced. What am I supposed to say?"

"I don't know? But not this."

"Then what did you expect? You can't just show somewhere and expect everything to go your way. Trust me, I learned that the hard way."

"Oh, I know. I thought maybe by now you'd have gained an ounce of dignity."

"I'm sorry?"

"No, I'm sorry. For interrupting your would-be hook up," he said with the dirtiest look as if he threw up in his mouth.

"How dare you go into my home, ask me to explain myself, and accuse me of something absolutely horrible?" My jaw clenched. "You have no right."

He nodded, his tongue touching his lower lip, "Alright, then just answer me this. What is he doing here?"

"It's none of your business."

"Is it really none of my business when you dragged me into this?"

"What do you mean I dragged you into this? I did not drag you into this. You volunteered. You were the one who brought it up."

"Is it now? Last time I checked you even suggested we further this relationship."

"Last time I checked you were with Katie Swanson."

He exhaled loudly, exasperated. "Again with the Katie issue. I told you we were working on a campaign together."

"Yeah, a mysterious campaign even I can't know."

"I thought you said it was okay with you? That you understand confidentiality very well, might I add?"

"I do understand. But for Christ sakes, was that stupid campaign a matter of life and death that you can't even tell me?"

"First of all, it wasn't stupid."

"You know how I feel about Katie. You knew what she did to me."

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