Chapter 3

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Hey. Sorry for updating slow again. My life is just a mess right now. But please don't give up this story. Because I don't give up stories before I'm done with them.

TW: Some words that can trigger someone.

I was definitely not ready for the next school day. You know, you are always looking forward to starting the new schoolyear, but you are already sick of it after one day. I can't be the only one.

But I still got dressed perfect, as usual, before getting into the car. I sat in the passenger's, letting Alec drive and Sam sit in the back. The ride was way too short, I want to go back to my bed.

I said goodbye to the boys before walking to my locker. I got distracted, too many people that wants to speak with me at the same time, and I crashed with someone. I looked down, and then I saw the brown hair beautiful boy. His perfect innocent eyes looking into mine, and I could see how afraid he looked. Almost like he thought that I was going to yell at him.

"Hey, sorry about that. It was totally my fault. Here, let me help you up." I said calmly, so he wouldn't flinch, and I stretched out my hand to him. He didn't take it tho, he just quickly got up before running away, not saying anything.

Was he afraid of me? I haven't done anything. Well, I didn't need to think about that kid right now. I have my own thing.


The school is so boring. I don't want to spend 6 hours every day doing nothing important before coming home doing stupid homework for about 1 hour. This suck.

"Are you joining football practice later? We can maybe grab some food later, before heading back to Alec." Nick said when lunch finally came. It had been a tradition that Nick and I had doing that after every practice. Before Sam was a part of the gang, Alec was also in it, but he quit football as soon as they got together. And now they spend every fucking second with each other.

"I don't know dude. I actually don't know if I'm going to join football this year." I answered short. Nick looked up to me, with a shocked look on his face.

"What are you talking about?!" Nick screamed, and of course Sam flinched. As usual, Nick said a quick sorry before continuing. "You have to join. This is our thing. And it's the last year."

"I will think about it. Okay? But I can still join you with food after your practice if I don't join the team. I know how lonely you can get." I smirked. He huffed before stopping begging me and started continuing with his food.

I looked down at the other tables. It was a little sad that where you sit at the table says something about how popular anyone was. I was at the best table of course.

I saw the little boy again. He looked so miserable. He was pushed around by some guys from the team. I didn't know why I was getting so mad at this, I shouldn't really care. But I would lie if I said that I didn't wanted to kill them.

I ignored it tho. It wasn't really my business. I also didn't want to make a scene in the canteen. And what would people say if they saw one of the most popular boys at school helping a little boy who were probably a freshman?


Finally, the day was over. I walked to my locker when I heard a loud smash. I looked around the corner and saw the same little boy. Ey, give me a break. Two of the boys were next to him, and they didn't look happy.

"What a small little faggot. Why are you spending so much time around Lucas's locker? Think you have a change with him? He is straight your dumbass!!" One of the guys yelled before pushing him hard on the locker again. I heard him flinch in pain.

"Omg, are you going to cry?!!! What a little pussy you are!" someone else yelled. I was far away, but I still saw the fat tears in his eyes. I felt so bad for him.

I saw someone push him really hard, and I couldn't stop myself. I ran to the boys and punched the leader of the gang really hard in his face. Before he could fall down, I grabbed him by his collar and pushed him into the locker really hard. I knew that guy, he is one of the members on the football team.

"Don't try to hurt him again!" I yelled loudly. I didn't actually know why I cared so much. I have seen someone bully other before. Heck I had even helped Alec bully his futured boyfriend. But it was something different about that boy.

The boys didn't even try to do something. They just ran away. They are definitely the pussies here. I looked down to meet the boy's eyes. They were full of tears and fear. I bent down and dried his tears.

"You don't have to be afraid anymore. If they bother you again, just come to me and I'll handle it. and I'm not scary or dangerous." I whispered so he wouldn't flinch again.

"T-thanks" he whispered back before running away again. I signed but went to the car, not wanted to bother him anymore.


"Dude, why did you skip todays practice?! You know we need you on the the team if we are going to win." Nick yelled when I met him in the restaurant. He was not happy to see me, that's for sure.

"Something came up. Relax dude, I'll be there tomorrow. The coach will still let me play. I'm his favorite." I smirked before opening my phone to not get bored until my food comes.

Nick didn't answer. He just huffed again before also opening his phone. I went on Instagram to check some new followers I have gotten. A few freshmen who I don't really know or care about. After that, I just checked what others had posted before checking out suggest. And there I found him.

Andy Williams.

Follow request sent.

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