Chapter 18 (a bad ending)

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Yeah, I'm back. Sorry again. I really lost interest in writing this story. So, this is me trying to end this without just stopping. I have a third story from this friend group, and I promise you guys that I would be better at posting more often and that it would definitely be my best one, but I need you guys to tell me if you want me to try again with a last story or find something else to write about.

"Maybe I shouldn't go?" I say before walking inside again. I couldn't do this. I shouldn't do this. I can't leave Andy. He is my everything. I began to take my off my coat for the third time now, before Andy stopped me.

"You have to go. It's college. It's only for a year, and we are going to see each other every vacation. And we will speak on the phone. And you are going to be only ONE HOUR AWAY FROM ME? Like you can just come and visit. So please leave now." Andy wined behind me. He was definitely getting tired of me for not letting him be. But he is just way too cute. He is wearing me shirt and it's so huge on him. I just want to pick him up and take him with me.

"Come on dude, we need to leave!" I heard Alec yell behind me. We were already late, and he is not a patient guy. I fixed my coat again and picked up my bag with a sigh.

When I was ready I turned to Andy again and bend down, so we could be at the same height. I found his paci that I resent gifted to him and put it in his mouth before lightly kissing his forehead.

"I am going to miss you so much baby. Please take care of yourself." I whispered before standing back up.

"I will miss you too daddy." He lisped back before I left to go to the car. Once I sat in my seat, Alec didn't hesitate to drive as fast as he could. He took a short look in the mirror to check up with me before sighing.

"If it means so much to you, we can probably take a short trip back here next weekend. I need my Sam too." He spoke. I agreed right away. Sam is going to diffrent college than us, and it's closer to here then our college.

"You guys are definitely going to spend the hole year on college stuck in your dorm, only calling you boyfriends. When is it going to be my turn?" I heard Nick whisper.


We didn't drive more than a couple minutes before stopping the car again. I needed to make one last stop before leaving this place.


Andy didn't know that I was planning on visiting him. And he wasn't going to get to know it either. And if Caleb was going to tell him, and Andy got mad at me, I wouldn't notice. Because I move today.

I opened the car door and went to knock on his door. It took about 30 seconds before his girlfriend opened the door. I haven't gotten to know here much, but I knew that she is nice. And that Caleb is obsessed with her. After talking for a sec, Caleb came, and she wished me good luck with collage before walking inside again. Caleb gave me a small smile.

"Ready to leave? I didn't think that I was the last person you would say goodbye to? I though that was going to be someone more important. Like your boyfriend." He spoke.

"I have already done that. I just wanted to thank you for being there for him. And for helping him. And I just wanted to make sure that you are not going to ditch him next year. Because I will beat you up. And I know how much you mean to him." I said, trying to be as nonthreatening as possible.

"Of course. I would never ditch my dude. And I want to wish you a good year in college. Take care of yourself. And please take care of Nick. I know that you don't tell me everything guys, and you defiantly don't have to. But he needs you guys more than I think you know. Because I believe that he is hinting to you guys about stuff, and you are not good at picking up hints. And if you hurt him, I would beat you up." He said, trying to be threatening. It worked.

He walked inside after that, leaving me alone. I didn't quite understand what he meant, but I will definitely pay more attention to him now. I walked back to the car.

"Are you guys ready for a new chapter in our life?"

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