chapter eighteen

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Marco's POV

That went well considering everyone was a bit hostile. Sage fits right in with everyone, the first day and she makes Luca almost piss his pants. "Girlfriend? That's new" her head snapped, her cheeks looked a little flushed. 

"I- um didn't know what to call this, we haven't talked about it, an-well I am sorry" her voice softened. She is mine, she basically admitted it. "Amore don't apologize, I mean I was surprised but I like it." she just smiled "I confused" she stated "About?" my eyes are still on the road. "Well I don't get it are we a thing or no, I mean technically you never asked me out so then we aren't but then-" She truly can be an airhead "You are mine" was all I said. She didn't push it any further.

The drive was quiet, she was right I didn't ask her out. Was that a thing, should I? I mean that is what she wanted. God my head hurts from thinking about it, how would I even ask?


Pulling up to what I finally promised her a car. I owned this shop, many others worldwide it was a cover for what I really do. I parked the car, getting out, and opening the door for her, she shot me a glare. "Why are we here?" wow she either is being sarcastic or really naive "Your car, you need a new one seeing as I kind of killed Pearl" Did I really just say 'pearl' jeez I probably sounded stupid. She let out a smile "Ahh yes, all is forgiven you know for killing my Purl and all" she walked over to the cars and started looking. 

She came across a white Audi R8, her eyes lit up. She saw the price and gave it one more look then walked away. She then saw another honda civic 2020 version. "This one, we can call her Blade since it's black" Of course she would name it. "Are you sure, what about that other car the Audi" she just laughed, I was slightly confused "Funny, I just finished college with debt to pay off, works as a CNA and you think I could afford that, funny" her face dropped "I can buy it, I told you I would" she just shakes her head "No, I like this one and I am paying" I just shrugged someone came up to us, I am sure it's a car salesman "Hello can I help you guys with something" She nodded "We want this one"

After doing all the paperwork, and signing, we were off. I told her we can meet up at her house, she got the keys and headed to her new car. Her smile on her face was something I could never forget. I was still in the office waiting for her to leave. 

The guy walked back in "Did you want to purchase something as well sir" I shook my head "No I want to pay in full for her car, all the money she pays you will give it to me. Understood" he looked confused "Sir we are obligated to send the money back" I pulled out my gun and aimed it at his head. "Guarda qui stupido ragazzo, I have lost my patience with you so you are going to do as I say or you die" he had no color on his face "Y-yes sir-r" I smiled gave him my card, he swiped it, while walking away "And it's boss seeing as I own this place" I walked to my car, Sage pulled up. "What took you so long" I just smiled "Business, I own this place after all" her smile dropped and chuckled "Whatever, race you to my place" I nodded and got in my car.

We were going through the highway like maniacs by we I mean her. She was only ahead because I allowed her to win, well for a little. My phone started ringing "Speak" it was Emberlyn "The Americans tried hitting one of our warehouses, we took out most of them and kept who we think is the leader of this operation, we have him in the basement when you get home" 

Damn it, they are getting bold and need to be put in their place already. "Feed him, keep him healthy till I get back, I won't be back till Monday. Skim him, don't cause too much harm I want him to play as well" Emberlyn doesn't care for the torture part she leaves it to Rezo, or Lucia who are both skilled. "I will tell Lucia, be safe fratello." (brother) I laughed "Of course sorella" (sister)

I lost Sage, getting off the highway I saw her turning the corner. I am full speed ahead, turning the corner although the light is red, right behind her speeding ahead, turning into her complex and parking. She pulls in right after, pulling into her parking spot. I am already making my way to her, stepping out she is just shaking her head. "You cheated the light was red" I let out a chuckle "Did we say anything about rules amore" she looked at the ground, I put my hand under her chin and pushed her head up, looking right at me. Placing a kiss on her lips "That was for me winning" she blushed and her back was put up against the car. Tugging me toward her and kissing me, aggressively. "Only cause I let you weirdo" she pushed me off and headed to her apartment. I grabbed her and held her hand while going up the stairs. "So what is the rest of the day looking like" she turned around "Uhm, its what 4 o clock, we can go to the gym, then get some ice cream" I just shrugged "Whatever you want, we can do" she just nodded pulling out her keys, and opening the door.

We took a nap on the couch with her in my arms, "Let's get up, we still are going to the gym" I kept her in my arms let out a groan "I have no clothes, siamo stati in" (we stay in) she looked at me "I have clothes for you, come, my brother left some behind" she walked into the room she said that toothbrush would be and pulled out a ripped shirt and shirts, handing me them "These will suffice". She walked out, I put them on a little tight. Walking out she was wearing, black tight shorts? a mesh shirt and white sports bra. My eyes basically devoured her body. She snapped here fingers "Eyes up here dummy" I looked at her and she was looking at me up and down "Eyes up here amore" she laughed.

"You said I was yours, which meant you are mine therefore I can look at what's mine whenever I want" she walked away and grabbed her keys. Right before she could make it out the door I grabbed her waist and pushed her up against the door "You caught me by surprise, but since you are mine" I kissed her "I can have you whenever I want" I kissed her again, this time sliding my tongue into her mouth. She pushed me away "We have to go" I just nodded walking out Sage in front of me.

 She locked the door and we walked to "What car are we taking?" she jiggled her key "I'm driving" I shook my head "No, you drive like a crazy person, I will drive" I reached for the keys "My car. I drive." she scolded me, I am not going to argue. 

We walked to her car, I opened the door for her, then I got in. She turned on the car and got excited. "Let's go Blade" my strana. She sped to the gym, passing stop signs.  She really doesn't know how to drive. We pulled in, she parked. 

She looked out and saw something. "Maybe some other day" she gave me a slight smile, I looked out and saw the three of them "Non valgono la pena amore, non sono altro che sporcizia"(They are not worth is love, they are nothing but filth" looking at them knowing what they did made me want to put bullets in their head. I sadly left my gun in Sage's apartment or I would've. Their words hurt her, her face changed with anger "Come on screw them" she just pushed it aside. We both stepped out, I pulled her to my side.



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