chapter forty

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Sage's POV

Today is the day it starts. We have prepared all week, went over plans one last time and now we are off. We are hitting three of their closest warehouses, each has four groups with them. We have five groups, we are hitting the center.

We had to take Matteo because he needs to be close, to hack their systems. We are all geared up, I have exactly five guns on me, Two in my holster, one tucked in my back, one in my shoe, another on my thigh, and one last one in my hand.

Brianna is also with us, along with Marco, Rezo, Liz, and Cayden. We parked down the block and had taken out two of their guards, once we moved in the other will raid the warehouses. Lucia went to the warehouses so did Emberlyn.

"Okay once I get this done, power will go out, you will have exactly 30 minutes tops to get in." we nodded, me and Marco looked at each other right before it went down.

"Go" we drove up, people shooting, the field cleared and Brianna walked out. "Ready" we nodded, walked towards the door, and shot, walking in there were five in the entrance. Back to back. After the Marco incident and Brianna apologizing, we talked and realized we do have things in common.

The guys went through the back, bodies from both sides dropping to the floor, Marco walked up to find the leader. We had got the plans from one of the men we had got. "LIZ" I shouted, a guy came full charge. I didn't have time to reload.

I pistol-whipped him, hit his head again with my elbow, and flipped him. Brianna shot him and we went off. I and Liz met in the middle and people came down, we took cover behind two walls. I looked and nodded as I shot the rest of my clip.

Grabbed two knives and hit both guys, Liz finished them. "Basement" she looked at me confused "We don't know if men are down their" I shocked my head "Our men, they were not confirmed dead" still shooting

"What is going on" I looked over to Brianna "Men in the basement our men" she looked at Liz "Sage wants to go down" I looked over "That wasn't apart of the plan" while knockout out another guy "I know but what if they are suffering" I shot another "Just one of you guys come to cover me" they looked at each other

"Or neither I am going" making my way to the basement. Entering I was met with two guys. One charged at me, I dodge his hit. Stabbed him twin in the stomach, kicked him back. The other came, I slit his throat when he came at me.

I walked towards the doors, opening them. Nothing. "We need back up" I heard a deep man's voice "Did you call it in" I was behind the door "Yes we are getting attack everywhere, one base went down" I walked out threw my knife stabbing the guy. Pointing both guns "Where are my men"

They laughed. I pulled the trigger on one of them. "Okay okay follow me" I walked about a foot behind him just in case he opened the door. I pistol-whipped him in the back of the head. "Hello" I opened the door there was a mutilated body, with our mark. I froze.

I opened more doors I found three of our guys, tortured, bloody, and not fed "Hey, we are here okay?" they looked up and their eyes had hope. "Can you all walk" they nodded, minus one. Bloody I walked over. No pulse. I closed his eyes "Lets go"

"Wait there are women and children in these" Sick bastard "Do you know which ones" he pointed to three doors "Go up here take this" they took my gun. Leaving me with one in my shoe and the other in my tucked in my back.

I opened the door, there is a woman in the corner "Ma'am I am here to help you" I walk slowly "Can you walk" She is beaten "We can leave" she is terrified "NO they will come, leave" I smiled "No one is coming to hurt you, I can help" I held out my hand. I heard someone approach, pulled out my gun, and aimed it at the door

"Fucking christ Liz" she smiled, I turned around "Come on let get you out of here" I reached out my hand. She was scared but then took it "Liz take her up, I am going to get the others" the woman's head turned "There is a woman she has a k-kid, find her plea-ase" I nodded

I walked to other doors there were either bodies or nothing. I walked through every single one of them. I opened up the door, there was another women "Hello" her head snapped, she ran to the corner "No, I am here to help" These women were tortured "Look" I held out my hand "If you come you will be safe I promise" she looked worried. "Please hurry before people come we need to go"

She came around after five minutes. "We have one more stop and we leave" I opened the last door, there were a woman and a little boy "Ma'am" she didn't move "Hey" I walked closer, her pulse was fading "Dammit" I looked over to the other girl than the boy "Hey little man, what do you say we leave" he walked backward "Come on, you mom is coming" he looked over

"She is not moving," the woman said, "I will carry her" she was light, over my shoulder. "Come on let's go" the boy grabbed my hand. We walked up the stairs. Opening the door, there were gunshots still "Stay behind me"

I opened the door, set the women down by the wall. Guy approached us "Whore" I turned and shot, "Come in" I hoped someone would come on comms "Sage" Liz responded "Liz come near the door of the basement" it was silent "Copy"

She came over, there was minimal gunshot "Help me take them to the car, carry her. I will cover." she nodded. We headed out, I shot twice. "Go" she put them in the car. "Stay here we will be back"

We walked in, Marco was coming down. "He got away" I nodded "He couldn't be far" he nodded Rezo was behind him. We walked out. We lost a lot of people. "We are heading to another base, Lucia called backup, we also think he is heading there" 

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