chapter forty-eight

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Sage's POV

It has been around two months since I started training, no one went easy on me. I was knocked on my ass a couple of times. Ok, a lot of times. Marco and I have been going good today is our year. A whole year together, that seems crazy I feel like it had been longer

He has always had a close eye on me, I grew to like it. I took charge of training the recruits, which was fun just because I don't have to wear suits. I liked them but coming to work in jeans or workout clothes was much nicer.

Today was like every other day, Marco had been gone for a good week. He was coming back today, on business with Russians. Yay. I walked in and everyone was in their place already. "Go on."

They dispersed into groups. We did rotations, it was a Friday so I was going to let them go early. I just walked around, observing, nothing new. They grew gradually "FUCK YOU" what is going on now. I walked over, two people fighting. I watched for a little "Enough" they didn't listen.

I stepped in, next thing you know, one of them punched me. Hard enough to bust my lip. I looked up, whipping the blood. I grabbed the person who hit me by the arm, right before she could hit whoever was on the floor. I pulled out and landed a kick into her ribs.

I kicked her back, she stumbled back, I paid her back for earlier. I think I broke her nose, I may have used my hand with my ring. oops. I stood over her "I said enough" I looked at both of them. She sat up, she looked a little scared.

"Next time I won't be so nice" I smiled at them and walked to Cayden. He chuckled "Watch them I am going to get this cleaned up" he nodded. I walked to Liz, I didn't really need to get this clean I just didn't want to be there.

"Liz" I shouted twice. Where could she be, I walked into the conference room, everyone was sitting at the table "Sage" I just looked "Another mission" it was her and Bri "Sort of" I sat down

"What happened to you" not in the mood "I think I am going to switch into fieldwork" I just want food and Marco. Who knows when he gets back " Well you can come with us, we are just running errands" She smiled a bit. That's definitely not what we are doing.

I debated for a little, I mean it would be nice to get out "Deal, let me change" I headed out, I always kept a spare in Marcos office, next to his spare. I also put some makeup on and don't want to look homeless.

Shit, my gun. I opened the desk, took the extra Marco keeps. He also has one under his desk, he will be okay.

I walked out, downstairs. They both were waiting for me, we walked to the car "What is in the case" I pointed to the box thing "Sniper, just in case" this is going to be fun.

We drove to this secluded place, dropped off Bri to set up. We then drove back to the RV thing, two guys were in the entrance. They opened up and we drove through, got out, and walked to the door, one other guy was there.

"I have been waiting, I don't like waiting" drug dealers scum. I sat down "Where are my guns" I smiled "Money" I looked at the time "Bitch who are you talking to" I looked over to Liz "Name is El, I see you lack manners" I can't use my real name. Family and all.

"Hand the money over, you get guns. No money, no guns" I shrugged, he pointed the gun at me. I just laughed "Don't do anything you will regret." I smiled "You are outnumbered" I chucked "You think we came alone" shaking my head, walking closer to him. Who does he think he is point a gun at me.

"Money, last chance. Plus interest for the inconvenience" he cocked the gun. All you heard were shots, Bri, shot all of them. Liz turned and shot the one coming through the door. I pushed his arm forward, then his hand. The gun fell on the floor, I pulled mine out.

"You should really use your manners" I cocked the gun back. "You have a deal" I shrugged "No thank you, no use of filth like you." I walked out. Liz follows behind. "Bitch" shot fired. Bro killed him.

We got in the car, got Bri, and left. "How we will explain this" I shrugged "I got it" they both laughed. "What" I don't get it "Today was just like old times huh" smiling, "Yea, missed it"

We eventually got back, we all walked in. Something was different, everyone was on edge. It was like bos-Marco is back, I looked at Liz. I ran, finally, he was back, that whore didn't even call me to tell me. "Marco" I walked into his office, he was tense "Sage" he hugged me "You okay fella"

"Don't call me fella" he relaxed against me. "Why didn't you tell me you left, on business" I smiled "I took Liz and Bri. It was completely safe, plus you were on a plane so you wouldn't have known" He kissed me, putting my hair behind my ear.

"Come on I want to take you somewhere" he remembers today is our year, he took my hand and guided me out to his car. Opening the door. "Shit, hold on I forgot something" he ran back inside. Then came out, he was fast. "Alright let's go"

It was not a long drive, maybe 40 minutes. I fell asleep, when I did wake up he said we were close. "Ready" I looked up "We are still driving" he let out a chuckle. Then the car came to a stop.

We in front of a house. He got out and opened my door. "I have been waiting for you to get healed, then when you did I had to go. There was really no right time" he took out keys.

"Where are we" I let out a nervous laugh "Home" Home? Our house was not here unless "Our house" he added. Our house, like our new home. Oh my jeez, I hit him "This is our house" he nodded "I have been looking for a while, and well when I saw this one. It was perfect" I kissed him instantly. 

"Our house" I am still shaken. I kissed him "As long as you are here it is perfect" he handed me the keys, I opened the door. Walking in there was a path.  

Leading outside?

people can changeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora