Chapter 1 - I Promise

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What's this? An update? In this economy?

1) Thank you so much for 364k!!! <3
2) Thank you for the comments, they inspire me to write when I'm low on motivation and serotonin, I only finished this chapter cause of them heh
3) Ily all sm!!
4) About Endeavor, his punishment was light but that was on purpose. He probably would get off lightly in an irl setting cause Japan was low on fighting power cause of All Might's recent retirement.
5) Any questions you have, feel free to just straight up ask me in the comments, I try to read all of them. Other than that you can PM me, I'll always respond to those.

Anywho... on with the story


There were multiple squads that Kakashi hadn't met. The smaller squads were made up of heroes, all of which weren't made aware of the fact that Kakashi and Obito were working alongside them. They were all under the impression that a group of contracted vigilantes were currently the leading forces behind the recapture of Chiba and neither Aizawa nor Hizashi ever corrected them. 

Since Kakashi and Obito had done so well with Chiba, people had begun to gain confidence. Such progress after 2 months was an incredible feat. 

"Kakashi." It was Aizawa. Aizawa along with 2 other underground heroes Kakashi had never heard of were in charge of smaller captures and more lowkey missions. The hero frontline was smaller than the military one, but they were just as useful. 

Kakashi hadn't seen Aizawa in a few days, it would be nice to catch up. 

"I heard you were promoted." Aizawa's smile was sad. He looked more exhausted than normal, a feeling Kakashi related to. 

"Yeah. Lucky me." Kakashi muttered. 

"Come on." He turned and gestured for Kakashi to follow him. "There's eggplant miso soup in the cafeteria." 

How Aizawa knew that Kakashi liked eggplant miso soup was beyond him, but Kakashi was grateful nonetheless. 


It wasn't often that Kakashi called any of his classmates, they weren't really close, with the exception of Todoroki and Bakugou, but he figured he should make it a point to call them at least once a month. 

"Yeah?" Bakugou answered the phone, impatience oozing from his word. 

"I suppose I should just hang up then." Kakashi sighed over exaggeratedly. 

"Kakashi? You... you're alive? Fucking hell, I thought you'd kicked the bucket." 

Kakashi hadn't considered that outcome. He figured his classmates just assumed he'd stayed behind, well... he hadn't really cared all that much, not enough to really consider what they'd think. 

"Well in that case, I hate to be the bearer of bad news." Kakashi said lightly. 

"'Bad news...'" Bakugou echoed. "We thought you'd died." 

"Ah... sorry?" Kakashi offered weakly. 

"That wasn't what I-" Bakugou cut himself off and sighed. "Where've you been?" 

"Ah, around." Kakashi said vaguely, well aware that he hadn't given the answer Bakugou was looking for. "I'm alright, though. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were worried." 

"You're just a dumbass then." Bakugou muttered. 

Kakashi pretended not to hear that. "So... how's it going? Explode any buildings? Shift any tectonic plates?" 

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