Chapter 7 - The Truth, or As Much of it As I Can Say

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There's a lot of talking and inner thoughts. It's kind of a boring chapter but I really enjoyed writing it. It's super long too so that's nice.

There's also a lot of talk about mental illness in this chapter and I'd like to say that any of you can feel free to correct me if I say something wrong. I did do quite a bit of research to avoid offending people, but everyone makes mistakes.

It's not super descriptive, it's just talking about how mental illness is integrated into society in the Shinobi world.

Mentions of dark thoughts??? Kind of??? It's implied.

Quick random side note: This story takes up 321 pages on the google document I have it saved on.

Kakashi left the hospital after a day when it was determined that he didn't need physical therapy.

Living with Todoroki had been interesting. It was basically the same as their dynamic at school, minus the loud, yelling child. Both of them were also slightly more somber in light of recent events but they didn't let that affect their creation of theories and pandemonium. He couldn't tell whether or not it was more or less chaotic without Bakugou there with them.

Kakashi had been finding it difficult to do a lot of things lately. He kept meaning to summon Pakkun but he kept procrastinating even though he could do the jutsu in his sleep. Aizawa and Hizashi weren't... tiptoeing around him per se, but they were a lot more lenient. Not that they weren't lenient before, but previously, Aizawa would tell him off for writing porn on the living room computer, now he'd just seemed to accept it.

He'd been home for a bit already and was sitting in the car with Hizashi and Aizawa. They'd told him a day ago that they would be joining him to speak with Goto. It was odd, but not uncommon for guardians to sit in on a therapy session, he learned. Minato had stuck nearby his first therapy session after his father died, but those sessions didn't last long anyway.

"Ah! Kakashi!" Goto's face lit up. "I heard about your accident, I'm glad you're alright now."

Something about Goto's brand of concern made him want to smile, though he was finding it exceedingly difficult to convey those emotions at the moment, they were there.

Goto, seemingly seeing something in his eyes or body language smiled gently. "Come on in."

The 3 of them stepped into the familiar room, well for Kakashi anyway, he wasn't sure if Aizawa or Hizashi had been here before.

"I'd like to remind you that this is a safe space. If at any time you feel like you need a break, you may leave the room or ask for us to stop. The information learned in here is confidential."

"Of course." Aizawa nodded.

"Kakashi and I usually do something art related, if it's alright with you?" He looked to the 3 of them. They had no problems with it.

Goto retrieved Kakashi's canvas and Aizawa's eyes widened.

"You're good at painting." He commented.

Kakashi hummed but didn't say anything more.

It then dawned on Kakashi that Goto didn't know that Aizawa and Hizashi didn't know about his true origins. Well, this would be interesting.

They spoke about the recent fight first, Kakashi was purposefully silent throughout most of the conversation, only speaking to offer his perspective when asked.

"Kakashi?" Goto asked.

Kakashi blinked and looked up. He hadn't been listening.

"Could you repeat that?" He asked as if he wasn't internally scrambling to come up with excuses.

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