Arise From the Ashes, O' Fallen Soldier Pt. 3

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Longer one this time. There's one more left, folks. Tell me what you think about this chapter, I kind of dislike it.

TW - suicide

He was gone.

Obito had looked and looked but he was gone.

It had been just an hour since he'd last seen Kakashi, and sure, he said he was going but he could've at least warned him.

"I'm sorry, Obito, but I think things stopped being the same when you killed Minato."

Why would he warn him? Obito thought bitterly. Afterall, Obito was the reason for Kakashi's presence in this world in the first place. Obito was the reason for Kakashi's pain. Though maybe that was a bit arrogant of him. To just assume that he was the sole reason why Kakashi had experienced so much. They were Shinobi, awful things would've happened whether or not Obito was there to make them worse.

But no, that train of thought wasn't important right now.

What was important was that Kakashi was gone and he was currently somewhere between Nagasaki and Saga.

"Attention, soldiers. We've received reports from our teams in Oita that All for One has disappeared from his usual spot. Shigaraki is nowhere to be seen, but All for One is on the move. Be prepared to fight."



"Attention, soldiers. We've lost connection with all our teams surrounding the border of Nagasaki and Saga. Every able body in this building is instructed to go to the hangar and prepare to move out in T-10 minutes."


Static sounded over the PA but there was hardly anyone alive to hear it.

"Someone... save me."

The lights went out.


The lighting in the League base was dim.

Shukaku and Dabi walked from hallway to hallway trying to find the main room. Most of the rooms were pretty gross. Human experimentation was never pretty.

They both walked further into the building until they reached the main room. It was large with assortments of needles in varying sizes and other medical tools scattered around the room. The floor was dusty and dirty and the walls were beginning to grow mold.

Dabi looked down at a clearly already used needle and wrinkled his nose. "That's disgusting. Fucking unsanitary."

Shigaraki was sitting in the corner of the room, seemingly unaware of their presence. "Kurogiri isn't here, then?" Dabi wondered.

"Doesn't look like it. He might be out." Shukaku suggested.

Their attention was drawn back to Shigaraki, who had stumbled in an attempt to stand. Blood was on his fingers and leaking down from his neck. It was pitiful.

"S-sensei? Is that you?"

"Fucking hell." Shukaku muttered.

Dabi stepped forwards and looked Shigaraki over.

"I knew you hadn't left me, how could you?" Shigaraki said feverishly.

"Can you do it?" Shukaku asked Dabi. Dabi's hands were shaking and Shukaku couldn't blame him. It was a creepy sight.

"I can do it." Dabi muttered, but didn't make any moves to do so. "Is he even going to fight back?"

"I don't think he's seeing who you really are, right now." Shukaku replied.

This is BullshitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora