Chapter 4

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Highway to hell:

Minutes blurred into hours as I lay sitting next to the bench, my head leaning against the hard concrete.

They couldn't even give me a bed or let me stay in a more comfortable room, somewhere that actually would be considered humane.

There was no light inside the cell room as no windows lined the walls, the deep darkness blurring most of my vision.

A jingle of keys caught my attention and I lifted up my head, squinting my eyes at the door across from me.

It suddenly flew open and bright light spilled out causing me to wince from the sudden change.

"Alright Romano, get up!" A police officer yelled as I slowly stood up on my feet, my stomach growling instinctively from the lack of food.

"You're coming with us to your new home, Litchfield," another cop adds as they yank me out of my holding cell and cuff my hands together.

The familiar dull stab of the metal bites into my skin as the three cops bring me out of the temporary police station and out on the sidewalk.

I guess the prison was too full so they had to keep me over here for a night I thought grimly.

I've always hated large groups of people. 

"Bet you like that pain, huh?" The police officer holding me whispers to me, his breath hot against my neck. His fingers lightly touch my wrists, his dirty nails trailing over my scars.

Anger flashes through me and I elbow him in the gut, using all my weight in the process.

He gasps and trips backwards, his hands grabbing around his stomach.

"You little-" The other one starts and grabs my hair but before he could do anything else, a van pulls up next to us.

The door opens and I get pushed inside in one of the backseats, my heartbeat still beating rapidly in my ears.

A female cop gets in with me, her face emotionless.

Probably a guard at the prison I'm going too.

"Good riddance" I hear one of them snarl as they slam the door shut.

I'm tempted to try and kick the door open but I knew that it would be a stupid idea, especially with the cop in here, so I just lean my head back against the cold seat.

"Rough start?" The woman driving asks, her voice thick with a new jersey accent.

I chuckle and shake my head, "something like that".

"Well, as you probably know, you're my first stop, I'll be pickin up some other girls on my way to Litchfield'' she states as we continue down the highway, her ruby red lipstick sticking out against her pale skin.

I close my eyes as I feel the movement of the car, my stomach churning with nausea.

I've always hated being in any type of vehicle, the closeness of the right space making me car sick.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be jus' fine" the driver softly says, her eyes glancing at the hanging mirror.

I want to yell at her, tell her this isn't my first time, the emotions bubbling up inside me.

So instead I say, " Oh yeah, definitely looks like being fine worked out for you, huh?" my voice is smooth and nonchalant.

She tightens the grip on the steering wheel and laughs weakly but doesn't do anything more.

The police officer glares at me, opens her mouth to say something but changes her mind last second.

I shake my head and cross my arms as everything seems to be going normal so far.

I just hope that my higher ups know how to get me out of this situation.

They better. 

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