Chapter 16

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A New Feeling:

A week has slowly passed by in blurring colors of light and dark.

The morning sunshine streaming through the small windows announced it was the start of a new day.

And the ghostly shadow of the moon casting a silver glean over the grey walls announced the end of a very long day.

These colors would be the only thing getting me through these slow days, as their presence was a reminder that there was still hope someone would come for me.

In my mind, the thought of one of my gang members somehow sneaking in and rescuing me kept me determined to keep going.

It was sad because I knew deep down that they never cared about me.

Why should it matter if one of their many members got caught and arrested?

That was the risk we were all willing to take.

But I was their best assassin, so shouldn't that mean something?

Sighing, I go to sit down at my usual lunch table and try to not let my thoughts consume me.

"Morning, Cherry," Nicky says, her voice still thick with sleep.

Instead of doing the kind thing and replying, I just give her a wave.

Chapman sits down next to me, her tray hitting the table with a clang.

I lift an eyebrow, "Red finally allowing you to eat?"

The blonde nods eagerly, "after a week of constantly apologizing and doing whatever she wanted, yeah."

Nicky snickers, "Red's a real hard bitch, I tell you that."

Chapman hums as she stuffs her face with waffles.

"So, we got laundry duty today, huh?" Nicky says, her head resting on the palm of her hand.

"Yup" I mutter, picking at my own cold, soggy waffles.

"God, it's going to be so boring" Nicky whines.

I nod, my focus distracted by my other things.

The hope of escaping floods my mind and the chatter of breakfast is just static compared to everything else.

"Hey, you okay?" Nicky asks and I groan, shoving my face in my hands.

"Just tired," I say but it comes out more aggressive than I mean to.

"Who pissed in your cereal?" Nicky laughs and I roll my eyes.

I can't deal with her annoying attitude right now.

As I go to put my head down, the door to the cafeteria slams open, the noise echoing through the high halls.

"Romano!" A familiar voice shouts, her tone southern.

Oh no...

Doggett or "Pensentucky" comes speed walking towards me, her two goons walking behind her.

"Settle down" a guard warns but she seems too lazy to intervene.

I smile up at Doggett, noticing her nose healed horribly.

She had spent about a week in recovery, as her nose was pretty badly broken and needed constant checkups.

"Can't keep me gone for long, freak" She snarls, her nose now crooked and still a dark shade of blue and purple.

"Looks like it. What a shame" I sigh, my tone airy.

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