Chapter 5

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An hour had gone by before the other girls were picked up.

Some faces screwed up in horror as the others straight and emotionless.

The blonde sitting behind me had wide eyes as she looked around, her hands slightly shaking as she held her hands in her lap.

"First time here?" The driver looked up from her magazine and asked the new girl.

"Oh. Yeah." She responded back, her voice slightly wavering.

The driver nodded with a slight smile on her face, "its not so bad, everyone's okay. You've gotta watch out for the stealing. So, what's your name? Your last name, everyone uses their last name here. I'm Morello and that's Watson" she pointed to the other girl who remained silent like me.

"Chapman." The blonde responds with a shaky breath.

Morello nodded and turned to me, "Hey, I never got your name?" I bite back any attitude as I say, "Romano". She places down her magazine in between answers, skimming her finger over the paper before looking back at us.

"And how much time you got Chapman?" She seemed focused on her mostly, which I was glad for.

"Fifteen months.." she replied, her eyes sliding from her lap and to the driver.

It was obvious Chapman was extremely nervous, I mean I didn't blame her, it was her first time here after all.

She looked to be around her middle 30's and attractive, her blue eyes wide and glossy.

She was going to be torn apart in there.

"Oh that's not so bad. I got thirty four, but I'm hoping with good time it'll be less." Morello chuckled with a soft smile, her dark sunglasses lowering on her nose.

"They..let you drive?" Chapman asked hesitantly as she eyed the steering wheel, her head tilting in disbelief.

"Well, who else is gonna do it?" Morello laughed. "We do everything around here.." I raised my eyebrows, the last prison I was at never allowed the inmates to do anything, especially drive the prison van.

It must be more laid back here, I guess.

"Hey, can I ask you something? You look like you'd know" Morello started as she tipped her magazine towards Chapman, revealing a page full of different types of dresses.

"Which dress do you like better? My top two faves are the ones with the half and half lids stuck to the pages. See, I want something that's gonna express my personality. And the trick is, I wanna show off the boobs and ass, but I'm not so happy with the upper arms and stomach, so there's the challenge.." she continues to ramble on to Chapman as she looks at the choices in thought.

I roll my eyes, I guess you got to distract yourself any way you can but I would think looking at stuff like clothes would make you even more home sick.

But who am I to judge, I don't really have any normal hopes to look forward to and when I get out of here.

Just my everyday life of secrets and false identities.

Flipping between the both dresses, Chapman finally concludes that both dresses are nice.

I crossed my arms against my chest to try to stay warm, the van was freezing, not even any hot air blew through the vents.

"Bounce your legs up and down, it keeps your feet warm" Morello tells us, the blonde just nodded her head as I tried to focus my mind on something else.

How long were we supposed to wait in here? When are we even going to Litchfield?

"You think your man is still gonna be around when you're out?" Watson suddenly asks.

"Yeah he'll be there, I'm the love of his life" Morello responds back, her words riddled with confidence and a smile on her lips.

I raise my eyebrows, "long time you're gonna be in here, you sure?" I ask slyly.

She glares at me as Chapman exclaims, "Yeah, but she's the love of his life!" In an attempt to back her up with the claim.

The final girl finally climbed into the van, she had dark skin but lighter than Watson, and her hair was brown with streaks of blonde.

Turning to Chapman, Watson scowled with a fierce look, "And who the fuck asked you?" Before she could respond, the door shut as the guard told the driver to start up again.

I sighed deeply as I kept telling myself this was just a little road bump in my already messed up life and how I would be out soon to live in it once again. 

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