Chapter 7

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Edits by Naravil

Tang Tang placed a soup dumpling into Xiao Zhuo's bowl, "Bao Bao, quickly try the soup dumpling mummy made. It's hot, so remember to blow it before eating."

The little one looked up at Tang Tang and quickly looked back down at the soup dumpling. He carefully bit a small mouthful before blowing the inside to cool it down. His chubby chin moved and he was like a cute hamster.

Tang Tang scooped a bowl of congee for Xiao Zhuo, but she made sure to cool it down to the right temperature first before placing the bowl in front of him.

Even though Xiao Zhuo was small, his appetite was rather big. He ate a large bowl of congee and five soup dumplings before he was full. Even Tang Tang, who was watching, was afraid that he had eaten too much as she looked at his stomach.

The little one's face reddened. It was probably because he noticed that he had indeed ate too much. He held his stomach as he got down the chair. Then, he went towards the sofa to pick up his school bag. After that, he ran towards the door to put on his shoes.

Tang Tang knew that he was embarrassed. She shouted after him, "Bao Bao, mummy is coming with you. Don't go by yourself, so wait for mummy, okay?"

The little guy paused for a second before he carried on putting on his shoes.

Tang Tang then said, "Bao Bao, mummy's leg is hurt, so I can't keep up with you. Walk slower and wait for mummy, ok? Otherwise, mummy might fall."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhuo's movements became visibly slower.

By the time he was done, Tang Tang had packed the snack and put on her shoes to chase after Xiao Zhuo, but she found out that he hadn't left yet. He was waiting on the other side of the door. When he saw Tang Tang, he started walking towards the elevator.

Tang Tang immediately followed after Xiao Zhuo from behind. When they arrived in front of the elevator, Tang Tang became worried. She still didn't know how to use the lifts! What should she do? In the end, she discovered that her worries weren't even necessary, because the little guy was very clever. He knew how to do everything. She didn't even need to do anything at all! Tang Tang felt a bit embarrassed as she felt that she was being looked after by the little one. She made a decision in her mind and became more determined to learn the life skills required to live in this world. She didn't want to be worse than a child.

When they arrived at the bus stop downstairs, the school bus wasn't there yet. Tang Tang passed the box of pastries to the little one, "Bao Bao, mummy made you some red bean cakes. Take it with you to the nursery and eat it when you're hungry. Just remember to bring the box home later."

Ji Xiao Zhuo glanced at Tang Tang with a complicated look. Then, he silently accepted the box. He held it firmly to himself. Soon the school bus arrived. Xiao Zhuo got on without looking back, but when he was seated, he quickly looked at Tang Tang through the glass window.

Tang Tang saw his gaze and instantly waved at him, "Bye, Bao Bao! Mummy will come and pick you up at the nursery later."

Ji Xiao Zhuo turned around to avoid her gaze, but his hands tightened around the box. He was holding it as if it was a precious treasure.

A chubby little girl, who was seated next to Xiao Zhuo and had a friendly relationship with him as they were from the same neighborhood, asked, "Ji Xiao Zhuo, was that your mummy?"

Ji Xiao Zhuo nodded.

"Wah! So you actually have a mummy, ah. I didn't know that. I have never seen her take you to the nursery before."

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