Chapter 23

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Edits by Naravil

Ji Yue's efficiency was high. The things she mentioned in the afternoon had arrived by evening. In the evening, a parcel was delivered. The recipient was Tang Tang, and the sender was Ji Yue.

Tang Tang signed to accept the parcel. Afterward, she opened the box and saw that it was filled with bottles and jars that she had never seen before. Even though every bottle and jar had words on it, they were not Chinese characters. Maybe they were from abroad since she could not read a single word on them.

Therefore, Tang Tang could only search through the box and see if there were any instructions. She did find a note, which had every product listed and explained how to use them.

By the time Tang Tang finished reading the instructions, she had to agree that Ji Xiao Zhuo had asked the right person. Because each item that Ji Yue had sent was correspondent to something that Tang Tang wanted to improve.

Most of the products in the box were for skincare, such as moisturizer, whitening, and skin repair, etc. Tang Tang was shocked by the number of bottles. She didn't know there were so many different products that someone could apply on the face. Apart from products for her face, some products were for her hair and intended to make it glossy, thick, and smooth.

On the bottom of the note, Ji Yue wrote that she also had used all these products herself and guaranteed they had good results.

Tang Tang was extremely grateful for Ji Yue's help, but she didn't feel it was right to accept the parcel because all the products didn't look cheap. They were from abroad, so they must be quite expensive. She couldn't accept the products that easily, as it was probable that they were worth a lot of money.

Even if she could become pretty with these products, she should buy the products herself.

Tang Tang didn't touch any of the bottles and jars and got Ji Yue's number from Xiao Zhuo. She assumed that Ji Yue wouldn't be busy since it was late and gave Ji Yue a call.

Ji Yue accepted the call quickly. Before a word was even said, Ji Yue seemed to have already figured out who called her, "Tang Tang?"

Tang Tang let out an 'En' sound before saying, "Ji Yue, it's me, am I disturbing you?"

"No, no, I'm at home. What's the matter?"

Ji Yue, who was getting her feet washed, talked while moving her feet around. Her wet feet bumped into Gu Zhang An's face a couple of times, which caused him to glare at her. He took hold of her feet and dried them with a cloth.

Hearing that she wasn't disturbing Ji Yue, Tang Tang stated her thoughts, "Ji Yue, I called about the things you sent me. I can't accept them. They are too expensive."

Ji Yue paid no attention as she let out an, "Ah," before answering, "It's nothing, those things aren't worth that much. It's not as precious as you're thinking. Just use them. It's not like we're strangers."

Tang Tang couldn't be casual because no matter if it was herself or the original owner, they were both not close to Ji Yue. "No, no, I haven't done anything to deserve these. Ji Yue, I'm grateful for your thoughts, but I really can't accept it. Please take them back."

Hearing this, Ji Yue knew that Tang Tang wasn't willing to accept her gift for nothing. She rolled her eyes and responded, "I have already sent the things out, so how can I take them back? Not to mention sending and returning is troublesome, some of the products may get damaged in the process. If you really can't accept it, then how about a trade? You can cook something delicious for me instead. I miss your cooking."

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