Chapter 52

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Edits by Naravil

The next day, Ji Xiao Zhuo angrily asked Tang Tang, "Mummy, I clearly slept in the middle last night. Why were you and daddy still hugging while sleeping in the end?"

Embarrassed, Tang Tang lowered her head. She was too embarrassed to explain what occurred last night to the little one. Tang Tang was also speechless herself. Why did she always roll to him and ended up in his embrace whenever she slept next to Ji Yan? Does she move around so much in her sleep?

"Uh, mummy ... mummy rolled around while sleeping, so mummy also doesn't know how mummy ended up in daddy's embrace. Hahaha." Tang Tang lied with her eyes open. She felt extremely guilty.

Ji Xiao Zhuo put his hands on his hip and said, "Mummy, why do you keep rolling around in your sleep? I will get angry if you keep doing that! Very angry, ah!"

To calm the little one, Tang Tang promptly lifted a hand and pledged, "Mummy promises that it won't happen again. This was the last time, okay?" She simply won't sleep next to Ji Yan next time. This way, she won't end up rolling into his embrace.

After hearing that, the easily coaxed Ji Xiao Zhuo stopped being angry. However, he still really wanted to know how mummy got past him and ended up hugging daddy because it wasn't logical, ah! He must figure this out.

Ji Xiao Zhuo thought for a while and decided that he would pretend to fall asleep tonight. Then, he would secretly watch what happened next. After making a decision, he extended a finger and said, "Ok, tonight is the last chance."

Tang Tang hugged him and gave him a couple of big smooches. At least she had calmed down the angry little dolphin.

Nighttime came. Ji Xiao Zhuo once again laid in the middle of the bed to separate his parents. Usually, he would play Anipop for a bit before sleeping, but he didn't play tonight. He simply yawned and rubbed his eyes while speaking to Tang Tang, "I'm tired, mummy. I need to sleep."

Tang Tang just assumed he was too tired from playing at the nursery and patted on his back, "Then go to sleep, Bao Bao."

Ji Xiao Zhuo pulled on her arm and acted spoiled, "Mummy, I want you to go to sleep with me. Can you also go to sleep now?"

"Okay, mummy will also go to sleep." It was almost time for bed anyway, so Tang Tang put down the things she was holding and laid down with him. Instantly, Ji Xiao Zhuo wrapped his arms around her neck and hugged her tightly. It was like he was afraid they would be separated.

On the other side, Ji Yan was leaning against the headboard and reading a book like usual. He ignored the actions of the mother and son pair.

Squinting his eyes, Ji Xiao Zhuo secretly glanced at Ji Yan. Seeing there was no reaction, Ji Xiao Zhuo's brain spun. He decided to proceed with his plan and chatted with Tang Tang for a bit before slowly closing his eyes.

Seeing that Ji Xiao Zhuo had fallen asleep, Tang Tang slowly took his arms off her. Then she got off the bed and went to get the bottle of medicinal liquid before sitting down on Ji Yan's side of the bed. "Husband, I'll rub some medicinal liquid on you again. It should get better after today."

Ji Yan nodded and quickly took his top off. His mouth-watering body was exposed again. It was almost winter, but he didn't feel cold.

Tang Tang didn't dare to look around randomly. Her gaze was fixed on the bruise on his chest. She rubbed her hands to warm them up before applying some of the medicinal liquid and massaged it on Ji Yan's skin.

Ji Yan stopped reading and stared at her. He looked from her forehead to her eyebrows, then from her eyes to her nose and finally her lips. After staring for a long time, Ji Yan thought that none of her features were ugly. Instead, he thought she looked rather pretty.

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