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"Joshua, hurry the fuck up!"

"Just a sec more Grace, my hair are almost done!" Joshua shouted from the guest bedroom.

"You are not the fucking bride, Joshua! This would be the first time in history where the bride is ready but the groomsman is not. Caden is getting impatient back there for wanting to make her his wife already and let me add, without his fucking groomsman by his side. He probably must be looking like a fool." Grace growled angrily and stomped towards the guest room where he was getting ready and slapped the back of his head making him wince in pain, but for the first time, I was not mad at Grace's violence towards Joshua because indeed we were getting late, to my wedding and the groom was already waiting for us past fifteen minutes and to put it shortly, everything was a mess and a whole lot of chaos.

Today was the day when I was going to get married to the one and only love of my life, who literally gave me a reason to live. I told Caden to wait till the whole Corona mess was over for marriage, but he was impatient. He said he couldn't wait any longer to see me by his side the first thing in the morning for the rest of his life. To say that my heart was full would be the understatement of the century.

He was always so thoughtful and kept on giving me kisses on forehead which was the beautiful feeling ever and I couldn't have asked for anyone better than him.

The wedding was organised at the backyard of Grace's mansion where her family was already present with Caden's and Joshua's family. Obviously, Dr. Kelly had to be there along with Chelsea and the priest, duh. I just didn't have any more words to say to God. He blessed me with everything and I would alway be forever grateful to him.

"Okay, okay, I am done, let's go— Woah! Rosaline, you look beautiful." He looked stunned as his eyes raked over me in happiness and appreciation and before I knew, he was hugging me tightly and when we pulled apart, there were tears in his eyes which he didn't even try to hide.

"I can't believe you are getting married." He whispered.

"Me too. I never thought this day would come, but this is like life's biggest gift and surprise to me for which I am really grateful." I whispered back and smiled at him.

"Enough of this sappy stuff and before Rosa here starts crying and ruins her beautiful makeup which costs like $500, let's take her to the love of her life." Chuckling at her bold truth, we all started walking out of the home, me in my pretty white gown and both the bridesmaid and groomsman in navy blue and white outfit, honestly I still couldn't believe that I was getting married.

It was never on my to-do list.

I never though of my life after December, the fifth, but look at me now, walking towards the new beginning of my life on the sixth of Feb.

Life truly is unplanned.


"I, Caden Harrison Matthew, vow to be by your side in all your ups and downs, I vow to never leave your side even for a second, I vow to not and never be the person I was when I first met you, I vow to always shower you with all the love and pretty little surprises each and every day of the new beginning, I vow to daily make you mine so that you don't get tired of me, I vow to never look at any woman who is not you, I vow to cherish each and every step of yours, I vow to love you, forever and always. I vow to always bring a smile on your face no matter what the circumstance is, I love you, Sunshine. Thank you for being the huge ray of sunshine in my life, thank you for coming into my life and making me a better human, thank you for teaching me what kindness and love actually means, thank you for being mine, Sunshine. I vow to never trade your happiness for anything else in this world."

Ahh, my heart.

"I, Rosaline Andrew Willow, vow to be the best wife and a friend, I vow to never let you down, I vow to never doubt you or your intention whatever the circumstances might be, I vow to trust you with my entire being and love you with my entire being, I vow to cherish each and every moment that I get to spend with you, I vow to make your life happy by being the best human I possibly could, I promise to be understanding at every aspect of the life, I vow to share each and every secret of mine with you, I vow to stand by you at whatever the life throws at us, I vow to stand by what you call me, a bright ray of sunshine, I vow to never stop loving you. Thank you for choosing a sad and depressed soul like me to be your life partner, thank you for giving me a reason to live, thank you for everything that you have done for me, I love you and I vow to keep loving you forever and always." Everyone clapped and aww'd at our exchange of vows and the happiness that I was feeling inside my heart was something I couldn't describe.

My heart was full.


I only wished for one thing right now, my parents beside me, to be standing in the crowd and cheering for me, to be shedding a tear or two because their daughter was getting married, but even then, I was happy because even though God took away two of my most favourite people from me, he gave so much love and beautiful people that I never imagined.

"Do you take Rosaline Andrew Willow as your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked Caden and it was then when I realised fully that we were getting official, like I was going to get married, I was going to be the wife and I was going to start the next phase of my life.

My life was complete.

"I do." He said, his gaze longing into me and the crowd cheered happily.

"Do you take Caden Harrison Matthew as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked looking at me, to which I nodded and whispered,

"I do." The crowd cheered and hollered once again and this was the most genuine and the happy smile I had ever seen on Caden's face and if this was not pure bliss, then I didn't know what was.

The rings got exchanged and few more words were said before the priest finally announced what we all have been waiting to hear for the entire evening,

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

We leaned our heads forward and there were tears of joy in both of our eyes. He eyes raked up and down my body for like the umpteenth time and then finally he held me close by the waist and whispered in my ear,

"You look drop down gorgeous today, love, absolutely beautiful and I am so lucky to have you as my wife, Mrs. Matthew."

"Kiss me already, Mr. Matthew."

He leaned closer and our lips moulded into a perfect kiss before we pulled apart and leaned our forehead against each other, enjoying this perfect moment and holding onto this special memory because life is all about creating and collecting beautiful memories.

"Did I tell you how handsome you are looking in this black and white tux? You are almost making me swoon." I complimented him, cheekily as we never pulled apart from each other's embrace.

"Let's go home and let me make you swoon all over me, all night long, baby." I slapped his chest as he pulled me into a hug and everyone started clapping, cheering and tossing this moment.

I was one heck of a lucky girl.


And here we have the beautiful wedding and the beautiful end.

Thank you so much to each and every one of you for showing so much love and support. ❤️❤️❤️

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