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“Red roses for the lady.” Caden handed me a bouquet of red roses and I accepted it with a small laugh, a huge smile never leaving my face.

“Thank you, mister.” I inhaled the beautiful smell of roses and sighed in contentment. Roses played such a versatile role in our lives, yet we were unaware of it. Roses are offered as an emotion of love, friendship, relations, to a new beginning, but they are also decorated around graves. One flower, hundreds of emotions, he was giving me roses now and he would give me roses then, just the purpose would be different.

Would he even care to give me a rose then? Would he even care if I was alive or not? Would he even care if I tell him that I was slowly disappearing from the face of the earth?

Probably not.

Maybe the news would come as a shock to him, but that would be it, there would be no remorse, no shedding of tears, no missing memories, but what about the memories we were making now? Would he even consider this as a memory or was it just another day of life for him?

Shaking all the negative thoughts off my mind which I have been doing a lot lately, I paid attention to all the positive energy that was before me, all the love that was around me and all the beauty that surrounded me. My eyes stared the side of Caden’s face for few seconds who was busy paying for the roses, who cared if he found me creepy? He was not going to tease me for very long anyways.

He had a sharp jawline and slightly tanned skin. Everything in him screamed maturity and manliness, from his muscular body, to his freshly grown beard, to his sinful dark eyes, to his sleekly laid back hair, everything. Not gonna lie, he was handsome and he knew how to draw attention towards him from his walk, talk and mysterious aura.

He smirked finding me staring at him and leaned closer, almost touching my nose with his and whispered huskily, “Want to be my mistress?”

I rubbed his nose with mine and grinned as his pupils diluted and cheeks turned pink, “I don’t play those games.” I pulled back and started walking towards his car, him trailing right after me.

“You are such a tease.” He whispered and I snickered at him, “How do you feel about an amusement park?”


“Amusement park it is then.” He started the engine and we soon started heading towards amusement park. Grace was not really happy at me for ditching university for the entire day, but then she nodded her head after a few minutes of internal debate. I did not expect her to let me go without a small fight, but she did and as much curious I was, I didn’t push my luck and walked away with Caden.

Fifteen minutes later, we were standing inside the amusement park and my energy couldn’t be anymore high. I used to visit amusement parks every month with my parents, but now I didn’t visit amusement parks very often, maybe because I did not want to relive those memories or also maybe because I did not have cancer then. I loved roller coasters, but now instead of pumped blood and adrenaline rush, all I got was migraines and bad ones at that, so I stopped coming to amusement park at all.

What was the use of coming anyways if I could not enjoy the only ride I loved the most?

But today, I felt like coming to amusement park again, it had been so long since I last visited it, not a good memory though, ended up crying the entire night along with Grace and Joshua, moping over my parents’ memories, but I wanted to erase that ugly memory and make a new one.

All I wanted to do was feel like a normal girl again, atleast once, please god, I beg you.

“Candy floss?” Caden nudged me and I nodded my head happily, old or not, candy floss was always going to be in my list of things to do while visiting an amusement park. He smiled at my excited self and hold my hand, taking me to get some candy floss.

On our way, I saw a boy, he did not look any older than eighteen, but he looked worried, too worried for someone who was suppose to be happy being here. Almost on instincts, I pulled back my hand from Caden’s grip, making him raise his left eyebrow at me.

“I’ll be back.” I said and started walking towards the teen, he was so engrossed in his thoughts that he did not see me standing before him, but the snapping of my fingers brought him out of his trance. He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed and a frown plastered on his face, I could not bear anymore of his sadness, so I asked, “What’s wrong?”

He contemplated for a few seconds, deciding whether to tell me or not, but then he swore under his breath and explained everything to me. He came here with his girlfriend, Eva who was into all the cliché romantic stuff, while Jace over here did not know a thing about romance. This was his first relationship and he really liked her and definitely did not want to mess up his chance with her.

Young love, how beautiful!

“I told her that I’d be back in few minutes as I wanted to use the washroom. It had been fifteen minutes already and I still don’t have a single fucking idea as to how to be all romantic and shit. Why is liking someone so complicated? Why can’t it be simple?” He pulled his hair in frustration and I smiled at his true feelings towards Eva. It was hard to find true feelings in today’s world of fakes and dares.

So, to solve his misery, I did the only thing that came to my mind, I gave him the flowers that Caden gave me. He took two steps back, looking at me in shock and I chuckled at his reaction, “I am not proposing you, you idiot, I am giving you these roses so that you can give them to Eva. She would be really happy.”

Now, that made him grin widely.

“Won’t your boyfriend mind?” He asked suddenly, glancing towards an angrily coming towards us Caden, poor Jace looked frightened and before I could shake my head and reply to him or atleast explain to him that he was not my boyfriend, Caden beat me to it,

“He totally would.”

“No, he would not. You can take these flowers and surprise your girlfriend.” I pushed the bouquet towards him, but he did not take them and instead glanced at Caden who was shooting daggers towards him.

“Caden! You are scaring him.”


“Just take the flowers, Jace and walk back to your girlfriend. Don’t want her to think that you ditched her, now do you? I am sure there are many guys around here who are interested in her—” He instantly snatched the flowers from my hand and kept thanking me continuously for few minutes until I threatened him that I would take back the flowers.

I smiled at his retreating figure, but it was very short lived as Caden turned me around by firmly holding my shoulders, a scowl plastered on his face,

“Next time, no matter what, you are not giving away my gifts to anyone, you get me?”

“And why would you give me gifts in the first place?” I asked, staring into his eyes, those dark intriguing eyes.

“To woo you.”

“And why do you want to woo me?”

“Because that’s what a real man do, woo their girl.” He flicked my forehead and started walking towards the candy floss stall with a teasing smile on his face and this time, it was my time to get all flustered.

Damn you, Caden Matthew!


Read my book, Sera Pierson, please?

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