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“Fuck! Say what now?” Grace exclaimed and paced around the corridor of the uni, fisting her hair tightly.

“Mom, this is not the time to scold me regarding the cussing, it’s time for you to tell me what exactly happened.” Hearing from her answers I could tell that it was something regarding the twins. Her mother never calls her during education time unless it’s something really, really important like something the twins did.

“Just wait till I get my hands on them. They will be begging for mercy.” I chuckled at her dramatic words, but I knew for a fact that they definitely must have done something really huge.

“No, mom. Obviously, I am not going to hit them— On a second thought, maybe chain them to bed, but that’s about it.”

“Yeah, okay, I’ll be there in ten. Bye, love you. Yes, yes, don’t worry, I’ll be there in a jiffy. Only if you end the call mom! Yea, bye.” She ended the call and pulled her hair before lightly slamming her head against the wall.

“What happened?” I asked and she scowled.

“The twins.”


“They let Mrs. Coopers’ dogs out and now they are running around the neighborhood chasing Mr. Winston’s cat. On top of that they had the decency to laugh on their faces which resulted in the elders chasing after them. It’s a total chaos if you ask me.” I shook my head and let out a small laugh before squeezing her shoulder and giving her a side hug.

“Go quick, your mom needs you.”

“Hmm, come on, let us drop you first.” She held my hand and pulled me along with her, but I stopped her making her raise her eyebrows at me.

“What?” She asked.

“If you’d drop me first then you would obviously get late and twins would definitely create some more drama till then. Also, Mr. Smith has called for me after class, so I will be going there.”

“You know I can’t leave you right?”

“You know the twins are creating more mess, right?” Just as she was about to argue, her phone rang and she cursed loudly before passing me an apologetic smile and running towards the parking.

I smiled at her retreating figure and made a beeline towards Mr. Smith’s cabin, but turned out he did not need me anymore. Smiling triumphantly from inside, I walked out of the campus and looked around to find that almost everyone was gone and there was hardly anyone left. Taking a deep breath because I was really tired from not getting enough sleep or no sleep for that matter, as the incidents of the previous day kept on repeating in my head and when I was able to sleep after a lot of attempts, nightmares made it impossible for me to sleep. Sighing, I started walking towards my home.

Half way through my way, I saw a poor man sitting on the side walk wearing a shawl over his body and a bowl placed across him. My heart sank at the sight and before I could process anything, I was walking towards him with a few dollar bills in my hand.

I could not see his face because of the shawl that he was wearing, but there was something off about him. I did not know what, but my gut feeling told me to retreat my steps back. I was just a few steps away from him when a strong hand gripped my arm and dragged me away from him and towards a different ally.

My heartbeats accelerated at an alarming rate and I tried to pull myself away not even trying to spare a glance at the man. His grip was steele tight and no matter how hard I tried, I could not pull my hand away. My breathing started to come in short pants and my head started to feel dizzy. The headache was back and I felt like my throat was closing.

He stopped after around three minutes near an isolated area and left his grip from around my hand with a jerk, but I could not care less as my focus was completely and solely set on steadying my breathing. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and I was finding it hard to support my body.

Oh god, not here, please, not now.

“Are you out of your fucking mind?!” A voice very familiar to my ears roared and I looked up with tear strained face to find Caden standing a few feet away from me with a glare plastered on his face. I relaxed a bit on realising that it was just Caden, but the dizziness won’t go away. On the contrary, it was turning from bad to worse.

“Why do you always have to lend yourself in fucking trouble? Why do you always have to help the criminals? Why do you always have to go near the men with fucking knives?!” I pressed my head tightly in order to reduce some pain and I heard Caden intake a small breath.

He walked towards me and held my face in his warm hands making me look up at him. His face was filled with worry and pain as he held me in his arms when my legs decided to give out.

“Sunshine, hey, talk to me. It’s okay, you are okay, it’s just me, relax.” No, I was not okay, no, I could not relax because this was no panick attack, these were all the symptoms of my disease, a deadly disease.

“Grace.” I whispered as his hands cupped my cheeks and shook my body after lowering both of our bodies down on the ground.

“I am sorry, I didn’t know you would freak out so bad. Please, open your eyes, Sunshine. Look at me.” With every short breath I took, I found it harder to keep my eyes open.

I knew I was giving out.

“C-Call Grace.” I let out those words and slowly I started to fall into a deep slumber of darkness which was going to be my friend very soon.

“Sunshine, fuck, Rosaline, open your fucking eyes. Sunshine!” I heard a faint voice filled with a lot of worry before everything blacked out and I lost my consciousness.


I am on a roll, aye!!!

Ps- No updates for like two weeks as I am getting my Lasik surgery done on Wednesday, so don't wait up.






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