11. With Half an Ear

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"No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away

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"No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away."

― Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man

11. With Half an Ear

Staring in utter shock at the spot where Gandalf had disappeared, nobody could move. Time had stopped, or so it felt. This could not happen. He was their leader, such a powerful wizard! How could he have fallen? It was impossible.

Not until the bridge began to crumble, did Aragorn react and begin to hustle the others along. "I will lead you now," he cried, his voice distorted. "Follow me."

A few orcs were guarding the exit, but Aragorn cut one down so fiercely that the rest of them shrieked in terror and scuttled off. The fury radiating from the man made Kat ill at ease too, and she cowered, pressing herself against Legolas' neck, involuntarily digging her claws deeper into his shoulder.

He did not seem to mind; he had spotted the clear, blue sky and sunshine outside and increased his step, running lightly and speedily through the gate and out on the hillside. Still running, he drew several deep breaths of fresh air. 

They descended a set of tall stairs, roughly hewn out of the mountain, and continued until they were out of bowshot range and could risk a pause to catch their breaths.

All of them were trembling with adrenalin and surplus energy, and it took a long while until Kat had calmed down enough to comprehend what had just happened, and realize they had actually made it. That they were safe.

Behind them the drum beats faded and soon stopped entirely. It was daylight and bright sunshine; the orcs dared not come out.

When the most acute fear and shock had subsided, grief came in its wake. Gandalf was gone. Their leader was dead. Spreading out, sitting and lying on the ground, most of them wept; the hobbits openly, Aragorn with his arm covering his face.

Legolas stretched out on his back and gazed up at the blue sky, where fluffy clouds unconcernedly sailed past. His eyes were dry and he looked more confused than sad.

Kat sat beside his head and noticed with some embarrassment his tunic was torn and frayed. I hope I didn't claw your shoulder too badly.

Instead of replying, he murmured: "I never thought he would die."

Kat's chest constricted. He sounded so forlorn, and for someone that ancient, right now he looked very young.

I'm sorry for your loss. She placed her paw on his cheek, wishing it was a hand and that she could hug him.

"Thank you." He reached out to stroke her, but then his eyes narrowed. What happened to your ear?

At his mention, the burning pain from before returned. In all the excitement she had forgotten about it again.

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now