36. Runner and Kitty

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Luck is my middle name," said Rincewind, indistinctly

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Luck is my middle name," said Rincewind,
indistinctly. "Mind you, my first name is Bad."

― Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times

36. Runner and Kitty

Beregond galloped swiftly through the city, enveloping Kat's small body with his arms as he held the reins, steadying her as best he could. It was not the most comfortable ride she had had, but by now she was good at keeping her balance even on horseback.

As soon as they were out on the Pelennor fields and without auditors, he began to talk to Kat. He obviously had no idea she could understand him, because he spoke in the kind of baby language some tend to use with pets, but she was grateful for the distraction and didn't mind.

"Aren't you a calm kitty," he cooed. "Such a good girl. Not a scratch on me or the horse despite the rough handling you're getting, poor thing. But you're used to being carried on a horse, I dare say. Mithrandir brought you on his white stallion, didn't he? I wonder why. And why does he want you taken to the cross-roads right at the brink of war? Very strange. You probably wonder too. Well, well. I do as my Master Faramir bids, and it's not my place to ask questions. No, indeed. I am loyal, see? Just like you, little one. We let our masters decide, and follow orders. Yes, we do, don't we?" He patted her awkwardly with one hand before taking up the reins again. "The sky is very dark tonight. It's not good to ride this fast in darkness, but you're a good horse, Runner. I'm calling you Runner, because I forgot to ask for your name. Runner and Kitty. I should probably have brought a torch, to lighten the road. Oh. Look ahead, there is light at the Rammas Echor wall. Perhaps the guards there will let me borrow a torch."

Soon they arrived at the wall, and approached a huge gate with a stone tower on each side. This was another opening than the one Kat had arrived through with Gandalf and Pippin the other day, and seemed better defended.

Beregond subtly swept his cloak around Kat before riding up to the lone guard at the gate. "Beregond son of Baranor from the Citadel Third Company, requesting passage."

"State your errand," came the reply.

"It's confidential." There was a crackle of paper when he passed Faramir's note to the guard.

"Out on a secret mission on this bleak night? I don't envy you."

"Orders are orders," replied Beregond. "And talking of orders... Lord Faramir will arrive soon after me. His father sends him to lead the defence at Osgiliath."

"Oh no." The guard sounded dismayed.

"You had hoped the steward would call you back inside the city?" Beregond guessed.

"I had. Even with our captain, we're too few to hold both the wall and Osgiliath. What difference can one more man make? We would need several companies."

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