24. Kat's Suitor

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"Cats will amusingly tolerate humans
only until someone comes up with a tin
opener that can be operated with a paw."

― Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms

24. Kat's Suitor

Edoras was situated on a green hill, protected by a deep ditch and a fence made up of spiky bushes. In the morning sun, the roof of King Théoden's great hall shone like gold as the company slowly approached it.

Except for Shadowfax, the horses were weary to the bone, and so were the riders. They had journeyed at speed all through the day before, and only stopped for a quick nightly rest before continuing at dawn.

The road passed between a series of green burial mounds where white flowers blossomed, and in the budding trees, many birds sang cheerful songs.

Can you understand bird speech as well? Kat asked. She was not tired at all, seated comfortably in front of Legolas on Arod. Gimli rode with Gandalf on Shadowfax this time.

Aye. He gave her a rather cheeky grin.

I bet they say some naughty things.

They do. His grin widened. It is spring and they sing to attract mates. They are explaining why they are the best choice of partner, and are very creative about it, too.

Before she could ask him to translate, Kat's and Legolas' conversation was interrupted by Aragorn, who recited a poem about Eorl the Young, the Rohan lord of old who had founded this place. He had also made friends with Felaróf, ancestor of Shadowfax and the other Mearas, and ever since then they allowed the Rohan kings to ride them.

He spoke a bit more about that, but now Kat was more interested in the approaching town and did not pay attention. Many low buildings clung to the hill as if they had sprouted from it; most of them constructed of crudely hewn logs and thatched with graying straw. Their narrow windows sat high under the roof overhangs, and smoke poured out of sooty holes instead of chimneys. It looked like a Viking village, and the guards at the gate only added to the resemblance; they were tall and blond, grim and fierce. If they had worn horned helmets instead of chainmail hoods, the likeness would have been complete.

The guards seemed not at all happy to see Gandalf, and particularly not the Meara he rode. They exchanged a few angry words with him in a language Kat did not understand, and neither did Legolas. He said it probably was the tongue of the horse lords.

After a few minutes' discussion, one of the guards left. Gandalf said he had gone to ask permission of the king to let them enter, and since he had given his real identity as well of Aragorn's, he was certain the reply would be favorable.

Soon the man returned, and apparently the king had agreed to let them see him just like Gandalf had said. The horses must stay at the gates, so they walked on foot with the guard leading the way and Kat trotting last in line. She attracted a few surprised glances from the other guards when she jumped down from Legolas' horse, but nobody hindered her from entering the town.

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now